National COSH staff is a group for our staff to communicate when we need to talk outside of slack
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Here to advocate for, and achieve the rights of persons with disabilities/disabled persons through the creation of a publicly funded national disability insurance plan (NDIP) for all those with long term and chronic disabilities. Such a plan would be modelled after Australia’s NDIS without the pitfalls they are currently addressing. Looking to discuss, gain supporters and convince the governme...
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Our group was created to bring together a collective solution and awareness, through education to our current climate crises. After much research we find that forest restoration is the best and cheapest climate solution available to us today. By planting trees we can remove 25% of the carbon from the atmosphere that has been collected for over time, when the industrial revolution first started. ...
0 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NationalNarrowGaugeConvention / National Narrow Gauge Convention
Welcome to the National Narrow Gauge Convention
20 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NationalRailGen / National Rail Gen
Welcome to National Rail Gen Here you can post any workings from across the UK. These can include: - Odd/New unit moves/ formations (such as 387/2s, 700s, 800s and odd combos) - Heritage Units (such as the Thumper, and bubble car) - Rare movements/ Oddball Workings - Seasonal Workings (RHTT, SITT) - General Freight - Loco Hauled workings - Railtours. Rules of the Group here to assist you: 1. When ...
43 Members, 8,462 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
nationalsheltermedicinerounds / National Shelter Medicine Rounds
National Shelter Medicine Rounds are typically held virtually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 3-4pm CST. This group is made up of shelter veterinarians, shelter vet trainees, and upper level shelter leadership.
2 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
National Transition Conversation is a part of the APH CareerConnect and Connect Center programs and services. This is a discussion list for those working in the field of Transition services for blind and low vision youth, teens and young adults. Sharing of information about CareerConnect and agencies and organizations with like interests are encouraged. This list is open to Rehabilitation Counselo...
40 Members, 137 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NationalWXWatchers / National WX Watchers
This is a nationwide communications group of certified National Weather Service Storm Spotters that communicates real-time conditions in their local areas. Our goal is to provide a single platform for First Responders, WX Spotters, and Weather Anchors to communicate in real-time. This group also uses Zello to communicate in the field live.
1 Member, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Native-American-Incredimail / Native-American-Incredimail
This is a Native American Incredimail Group. This includes Past and Present Native Americans and Western Stats. We also share Tubes, Graphics and Tags. History & Legends are shared as time allows it. The animals and birds have to be real not cartoons. Samples you may share: Horses, Bison, Wolves, Fox, Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Fox's, Squirrels, and Fish. Saturday and Sunday are Free days.Lurke...
14 Members, 112 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
nativeguilds / Beacon Food Forest Native Plant Guilds
A group for those working on the Beacon Food Forest wetland and/or prairie projects. Other prairie, wetland and native food projects in the Seattle area may also be discussed.
94 Members, 274 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This list is intended for all interested in native flora and ecology of the Maryland/DC/Virginia region. Relevant questions, answers and announcements are welcome. For links to Native plant Societies of Maryland, Virginia, DC, Delaware, West Virginia and others, Please go to
243 Members, 4,242 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
nativevoicesensemble / NV 2
where we will post events and listings for our members
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Natural Computing Club comes together to play and experiment with natural computing techniques such as deep learning and evolutionary algorithms. We are an informal learning group with the goal of having fun and learning from each other.
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This listserv is intended to allow interested local energy and climate practitioners and others to continue the conversation that began on April 23, 2020 at a Virtual Office Hours on the topic of Local Natural Gas Emission Reductions. Event materials (including a recording) can be found here: The purpose of this listserv is to share questions, infor...
18 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
naturalbeekeepingnorway / Natural Beekeeping Norway
Gruppe for naturlig, bi-sentrert, bærekraftig, økologisk birøkt Vi er birøktere som er både miljøbevisst og interessert i å gi biene best mulig leve- og helsevilkår både gjennom forskjellige metoder, bruk av naturlige materialer og økologisk tankegang i våre handlinger. Vi ønsker å sette biene og miljø i fokus og ikke maksimum av honning utbytte.
11 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
naturalenglish / Natural English - Can we talk?
This will be a place to ask questions about and share natural English , i.e. conversational English. The focus will be on English instruction for ESL students, but it will also allow queries and comments from native speakers regarding standard English in everyday life. We all need help at times, and this group will always encourage good grammar and effective communication skills.
2 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A natural hair support group for women of color to share information, natural recipes, and tips on the care of their curly or kinky hair.
1 Member, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
naturalhistory-083 / Natural History 083
This is an email group for and by people with an interest in the natural history of the Santa Barbara Region in California. Most posts will likely be about recent observations of animals, plants, or fungi in said region, but discussions of historic trends and background information are equally welcome. While 083 is Santa Barbara's County code, postings about neighboring counties are okay as we...
24 Members, 264 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A Strat-o-Matic Hockey League
18 Members, 1,062 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Health groups that share healthy living tips, if needed connect with wellness professionals, join self-care communities
2 Members, 8 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: