LARomStreetTeamA group of published and unpublished romance authors who support each other with discussion and social media outreach.Created:
21 Members,
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LARROps(Greater) Los Angeles (model) RailRoad Operations (LARROps) is a closed group for model railroad home layout owners and club coordinators who host operating sessions to share information about operating sessions and operations related topics.Created:
13 Members,
5 Topics,
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LarryKing-FansThis group is for fans of Larry King to discuss their memories of Larry's various shows, including the Larry King Show which aired on the Mutual Radio Network.Created:
3 Members,
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larrys-list / Larry's List FYILarry's List is a group of Amateur Radio messages. This is the main group. There is sub-groups for specific topics. This group is for topic not listed as a sub-group.Created:
1,730 Members,
6,775 Topics,
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LARSC / Lakeshore Amateur Radio Service Club (LARSC)The Lakeshore Amateur Radio Service Club is a non-profit amateur radio service organization with the primary mission of supporting ARES/RACES for Manitowoc County.Created:
2 Members,
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larsn / Lutheran Amateur Radio Support NetworkMission Statement: LARSN provides training, resources and is ready to respond in a disaster or emergency with Christian compassion to provide amateur radio communication support for Lutheran Congregations, Regional Groups, or Agencies, and assist our communities as needed and requested by local authorities. See: http:\\LARSN.ORGCreated:
44 Members,
503 Topics,
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lasabine / Sabine Parish, LA Genealogy & HistorySabine Parish, LAGenWeb Project Genealogical and historical information on Sabine Parish, LouisianaCreated:
2 Members,
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lasalle72Grupo de la gloriosa 72 del La Salle Buenos AiresCreated:
28 Members,
181 Topics,
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LASBAGThe LASBAG is an online community of small architecture and design oriented businesses in the Greater LA area. The intent is to support each other as a resource network by troubleshooting matters arising while doing business as an architecture or design firm.Created:
35 Members,
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lasbrujasLas brujasCreated:
1 Member,
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LasColinas / The Enclave at Las ColinasThe Enclave at Las Colinas, Inc. is a non-profit homeowners association located in Indio California. This GROUP (FORUM) is established to exchange of information from the Association Directors and Community Manager to GROUP MEMBERS that are homeowners and/or residents of The Enclave at Las Colinas on a timely basis. Las Colinas homeowners are encouraged to join this group to keep up ...Created:
5 Members,
25 Topics,
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lascomadres / Las Comadres Home (Main)Our vision: An international community of Latinas strengthened by actively building community and connecting. Our mission: To create/open doors to opportunities, and share social capital for Latinas through community, culture, technology, and education. Focused Message: Las Comadres Para Las Americas, a non-profit organization, connects Latinas through technology, programs and monthly Comadrazos i...Created:
4,886 Members,
865 Topics,
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LASDNWKVOP / LASD Norwalk Station Volunteers on PatrolLASD Norwalk Station Volunteers on Patrol VOP Program Mission The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Norwalk Station, Volunteers On Patrol are dedicated to providing excellent service through relationships that build trust, create a safe environment, and enhance the quality of life in our communities within a “Tradition of Service”. VOP Program Principles To be a proud representatives...Created:
21 Members,
12 Topics,
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laser-floatingFloating Thrombus and Laser Endovascular Therapy Discussion Group Subscription is by invitation for very expert professionals in the field. The Group has the aim of producing a report of the Vasculab Floating Thrombus Discussion from Oct, 1st to 16th 2008.Created:
2 Members,
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LaserCamp / Laser Camp Instructor ForumThis is a discussion group for those teaching the LaserCamp curriculum for Audio-Visual Imagineering (AVI) as well as spin off laser clubs etc., It's purpose is to allow for sharing of ideas and experiences between camp instructors and providers and produce guidance to AVI for updates and additions to the curriculum.Created:
12 Members,
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lashaun77 / PuddintopiaA place to freely be free.Created:
2 Members,
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lasmariposasquiltersWe are a group of friends who share our love for quilting. Our goals are to learn from each other by sharing patterns, quilting advice, tips, block exchanges and being a support to each other.Created:
8 Members,
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Lasmep / Lasmep UEMG MedicinaGrupo de emails com todos os Membros da Liga Acadêmica de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatra do curso de graduação em Medicina da Universidade Estado de Minas Gerais unidade PassosCreated:
7 Members,
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LASOHamwatch / Temple HamwatchThis group is for the sharing of information for members of Temple Station Hamwatch.Created:
18 Members,
740 Topics,
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lasolaraprojectLa solara Project UpdatesCreated:
0 Members,
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