jewish-food / Jewish FoodJewish-Food is a list for all interested in celebrating Judaism through the discussion of Jewish food using kashruth (kosher)Created:
145 Members,
38 Topics,
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jewish-music / Jewish MusicThe Jewish-Music list looks to the broadest possible definition of Jewish-Music from <em>nusakh</em> and cantorial music, through sephardic, mizrahi, ladino, yiddish, klezmer, including classical and choral, singer-songwriter, renewal, hip-hop, yeshivish, and beyond modern Israeli music and Radical Jewish Music. We are (mostly) Jews. Let us make Jewish Music.Created:
366 Members,
151 Topics,
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Jewish-Oceanside / The Jewish Community Email Listserver for Oceanside, NYThis list can be used by members and friends of Oceanside, NY synagogues to post messages related to shul business, announcements, questions, events, or other news of interest to the community. No commercial advertisements please.Created:
227 Members,
448 Topics,
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JewishBusinessNetworking / A forum for members of the Jewish business community, to network and to communicate and share ideas.A forum for members of the Jewish business community, to network and to communicate and share ideas.Created:
57 Members,
353 Topics,
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jewishcomicsThis group is for announcements of new stories in comic books or strips that have a Jewish character in them, announcements about events related to Jewish comics (e.g. article publication, book publication, museum exhibitions, etc.) and for discussion about the Jewish comics themselves. This is the companion group for The Jewish Comics Blog at https://jewishcomics.blogspot.comCreated:
19 Members,
6 Topics,
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JewishCommunityofRhawnhurst / Jewish Community of RhawnhurstGeneral Communication Board for the Torah observant Jewish community and shuls in the Rhawnhurst neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia,PA..Created:
20 Members,
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JewishJobsJewish Jobs GroupCreated:
3 Members,
1 Topic,
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JewishJobsterIn the current economic situation, looking for a job can be a difficult process. Jewish Jobster is here to help people in their job search. We maintain an active and ongoing list of employment opportunities in the Jewish community. All of the services for job seekers are provided at no cost. There is a nominal fee for employers.Created:
5 Members,
0 Topics,
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JewishNetworkingJewish business networkingCreated:
4 Members,
2 Topics,
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jewishsharonOpen, lightly-moderated forum for the discussion of all things Jewish in Sharon, Massachusetts.Created:
1,120 Members,
68,243 Topics,
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JewishShulMusic / The Jewish Liturgical Music (JLM) groupIn association with the European Cantors Association, this moderated group is dedicated to discussing and promoting Jewish Liturgical Music (JLM) - mostly synagogue choral music and hazanut. As we have been plagued by spammers in the past, please indicate how this JLM Group may be of assistance to you. Many thanks for joining the JLM Group and all the group members look forward to hearing your inp...Created:
35 Members,
33 Topics,
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JewishSpecFic / Jewish Speculative Fiction WritersJewish Speculative Fiction Writers is for writers who are interested in working on fiction at the intersection of speculative fiction and Jewish themes.Created:
10 Members,
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JewishTalneUkraine / Jewish Talne UkraineResearching Jewish family genealogy and history of TalneCreated:
6 Members,
11 Topics,
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jewitchery / For Jewish Witches and Witchy JewsFor Jewish Witches and Witchy Jews For folks who identify as Jewitches. A place to collect stories, practices, rituals, philosophies, compromises, discussions. This list is for people who self-identify as "Jewitches", a term pretty much created for that purpose. The variety of people who identify with the term are wide: everything from Jewish people who practice some form of Paganism (be t...Created:
246 Members,
4,529 Topics,
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JFCERTJupiter Farms Community Emergency Response Team, Inc. Mission Statement Jupiter Farms Community Emergency Response Team, Incorporated is a community based non-profit organization consisting of volunteers whose focus is on disaster preparation, mitigation, recovery, and communications for the community of Jupiter Farms, Florida.Created:
10 Members,
492 Topics,
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jflatbushonline / Jewish Flatbush OnlineA group for Jewish community of FlatbushCreated:
452 Members,
5,327 Topics,
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JfPLSpaA group to manage communications between members of Justice for Palestinians in Leamington SpaCreated:
4 Members,
0 Topics,
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jfunlistThe main focus of this group is to keep members informed of when updates have been added to the Just Fun web site.Created:
0 Members,
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jfw / The JAWS for Windows Support ListThis group aims to be a source for anything and everything related to JAWS for Windows, a screen reading technology for the blind and visually impaired. Topics range from discussion of new and upcoming features, to compatibility with certain programs, etc. Topics do not include how to use programs that are not JAWS for Windows - there are other discussion groups to serve that purpose.Created:
1,073 Members,
21,828 Topics,
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jfw-users / JFW UsersA group to discuss the JAWS for Windows screen reader.Created:
435 Members,
5,882 Topics,
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