OECC-L / Discussion list for members of the Austrian Citroen Club.Mailing Liste des OECC (OEsterreichischer Citroen Club)Created:
78 Members,
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oecher-stammtisch / oecher-stammtischDiese Mailingliste dient der Organisation von monatlichen Treffen ("Stammtisch"), Wanderungen und anderen AktivitätenCreated:
62 Members,
67 Topics,
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oecher-wandernMailingliste zur Organisation von Wanderungen in der Nähe von AachenCreated:
97 Members,
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OEDBOG / Old East Durham Business Owners GroupOld East Durham Business Owners Group is for folks who own a business within the boundaries of Pettigrew, Alston, Holloway, & Briggs. I want this to be a place where we can share ideas, alert other business owners about things going on in the neighborhood, come up with ways to collaborate, help keep group members informed, & hopefully find ways to promote neighborhood businesses. We can al...Created:
20 Members,
22 Topics,
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oee / Artificial Life journal special issue on Open-Ended Evolution: announcement list for news and informationA group for announcements about the forthcoming Artificial Life journal special issue on Open-Ended Evolution. Sign up for news of the submission process and deadlines etc. See the Call for Papers for information about the submission process and deadlines.Created:
23 Members,
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OehlerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – OehlerCreated:
5 Members,
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oekostammtischThis group is for connecting students of Organic Agriculture at BOKU.Created:
4 Members,
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oemcomm / Pima County OEMComm Membership ListThis is the main group for the Pima County OEM Comm ham radio volunteers.Created:
90 Members,
140 Topics,
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OEMGlobalConnectThis group facilitates networking, education and mentoring among occupational medicine physicians and clinicians caring for workers around the world.Created:
31 Members,
8 Topics,
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oems056Chat for funCreated:
2 Members,
2 Topics,
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oeo / Open Energy OutlookThis group is focused on the development of an Open Energy Outlook for the United States.Created:
103 Members,
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OESSWOhio / Southwest Ohio OESA Group for the Members of the Order of the Eastern Star in Southwest Ohio, to share news and calendar information.Created:
59 Members,
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OETesttest group for Onezumi Events StaffCreated:
1 Member,
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OFAM / ORIGINAL FINISH -ALL MAKES ONLINE SHOWINGOnline model horse photo show club for collectors of Breyers, Stones, other plastics and Chinas, with regular monthly show for Halter & Perf, monthly Fun Shows with changing themes, and a monthly newsletter. Nice members, friendly venue for beginners, and no drama.Created:
34 Members,
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OFBLThe Old Fogey Baseball League (OFBL) is a retro baseball league using the Strat-O-Matic game.Created:
11 Members,
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OFCCFor the news and updates to the Original Finish Collector's Club, a club for model horse enthusiasts.Created:
10 Members,
7 Topics,
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OFCChatA place for chattingCreated:
2 Members,
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offcentrerun / Off Centre Run aka the OCROff Centre Run A bi-annual Australian adventure ride since 1984, before that word was discovered! Long before we had the internet to communicate, when it was either snail mail (the only mail), meetings at interstate rallies, club newsletters etc Word off the OCR grew! Well it started something like this ... The Off Centre Run (some say Rally but it is not) started after a number of atten...Created:
8 Members,
9 Topics,
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OffGridComms / Off-Grid Comms GroupWhen you hear EmComms in HAM circles, do you envision a room or tent full of HAM gear or "EmComm Go Boxes" setup to be the inter-tie between LEO/EMS units and people needing help as part of a regional rescue effort? That's my vision of the standard EmComms definition, but that's not "Off-Grid Comms" or what this group is about, although there is crossover between the two. ...Created:
180 Members,
146 Topics,
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OffGridRadio / Off Grid RadioAmateur Radio ClubCreated:
5 Members,
3 Topics,
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