MajexmadethisI send out beats.Created:
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MajorArmstrong / Major Armstrong Memorial Radio Club W2XMNThe Major Armstrong Memorial Radio Club honors the memory of Major Edwin Howard Armstrong, the most prolific inventor in the history of radio. His inventions of regeneration, the super heterodyne, super regeneration, wide band FM broadcasting and FM multiplexing were the building blocks of today's radio communications industry. Our club callsigns are W2XMN and W2XEA, the calls used at his pion...Created:
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MAK-decatur / MAK Historic District DecaturThis group is for MAK Historic District residents in Decatur, GA. When requesting access to the group PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS TO CONFIRM RESIDENCY. THANKS!! Use this group to post questions, concerns, events and announcements related to MAK and the Decatur area. This is space for open dialogue. For more information on MAK or to subscribe to the neighborhood newsletter, please visit the MAK His...Created:
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Make-Ahead-Meals / Make Ahead MealsMake Ahead Meals is about cooking once and eating twice. Whether you cook ahead for the entire month, or love to cook extra to stock your freezer for easy meal nights. Forget spending a ton of money on pre-made convenience food. You can do this yourself and save time and money. Lets not forget about canning and preserving recipes! We share those here as well. So lets share some of our recipes and ...Created:
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makebelieve / MakebelieveDiscussion, fan fiction, video work and graphics for any and all media works. All genres accepted. All characters and pairings welcome. If you don't like a pairing or character written, accept it and move on. The list caters to all tastes. Challenges welcome. Story archive is located at Please consider posting you work, new and old there. Graphi...Created:
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makedoThis is the place for Make/Do members to chat, plan, and coordinate!Created:
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MakeElCerritoFiresafeOur mission is to keep El Cerrito fire safe by advocating for and working toward the reduction of the fuel load on public and private property, to create clearly marked and passable evacuation routes and to educate the public about and to motivate them to fire harden their structures and create defensible space around their homes.Created:
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MakeitinPugliaLa rete del turismo industriale in Puglia www.turismoindustrialeinpuglia.itCreated:
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makemeaningfulwork / Make Meaningful WorkMake Meaningful WorkCreated:
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makeminemysteryClosed Group for Bloggers at Make Mine Mystery.Blogspot.ComCreated:
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makemoney / Make Money : How to?Make Money Online Group.Discussion about how to make money online!Created:
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MakemoneyNowLearn how to make money online from some of the best Internet Marketing experts.Created:
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MAKEMSI / MAKEMSI, a Free Windows Installer (setup.msi). It works like a Compiler following scripts/instructions to build the packages.Free tool to build Windows Installer databases (setup.msi). It works like a Compiler following instructions to build the packages. --- This group is for users of the free MAKEMSI tool (visit homepage) by Dennis Bareis (a Microsoft MVP). MAKEMSI can build or modify Windows Installer databases such as MSI files, merge modules or transforms using XML like scripts. The aim of this utility is that an ...Created:
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makemusicWIConnecting people and communities involved in Make Music Wisconsin.Created:
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MakepeaceFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the Makepeace surname.Created:
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maker-faire-hams / Maker Faire HamsA place for licensed Amateur Radio folks who either participate or want to participate in the Maker Faire. We are interested in people who use amateur radio for other projects such as Antenna design, APRS, Model Rocket APRS, Microwave, ATV, SSTV, RC Control, radio building or restoration or any other use. As well as those who are interested in participating in an Amateur Radio Booth. The...Created:
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MakerEdLeadershipSummit / Maker Educator Leadership Summit ParticipantsThe email group for the Maker Educator Leadership Summit (2017).Created:
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MakerEntrepreneursSanAntonioA support group for entrepreneurs who make physical products in and around San Antonio, TX. We meet in person and online to help each other be successful in business and product design.Created:
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MakerspaceAstrolabMakerspace Astrolab discussie groepCreated:
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makerspacespro / MakerSpaces.PRO Online CommunityMakerSpaces.PRO is a grass-roots effort to promote the sharing of best practices among makerspaces.Created:
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