jerrysdevicechatis group is for participants in Jerry’s iDevice chat. It works for all who utilize the accessibility settings on their phone, iPads macs iPod touches etc. We welcome any friends and/or workers in the fields of blindness who wish to share txperiences with us.Created:
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Jersey-Crapaud / Jersey-CrapaudThe Crapaud is the species of toad that is found on the island of Jersey.Created:
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JerseyCityKnittingknitting groupCreated:
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JerseyGamersAn e-mail group for classic board wargamers in New Jersey. Meant to help coordinate gaming dates. Migrated from Yahoo.Created:
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jerseyshorebrewersHome Brewers on the Jersey Shore This group is for all those who live in Monmouth, Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May counties that are home brewers of beer who'd like to swap tales, recipes, hints, tips or just talk about our hobby in general. Great way for us all to keep each other up to date on news about breweries and/or brew shops opening in our area.Created:
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jerseyshoreyorkrite / Jersey Shore York RiteThis group consists of York Rite Bodies at the Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore York Rite Bodies are: 1. Goodwin-Hiram Chapter # 1 - Toms River, NJ; 2. Field Council # 12 - Toms River, NJ; 3. Corson Commandery # 15 - Freehold, NJCreated:
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JerseyWomenVeterans / Jersey Women VeteransThe group Jersey Women Veterans is an informal way for women veterans to network and share events, resources and programs of interest with our fellow women veterans.Created:
5 Members,
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JerusalemJerusalem groupCreated:
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JerusalemJobsJerusalem JobsCreated:
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JerusalemKosherNews / Jerusalem Kosher NewsA group providing information on kashrus in Israel.Created:
2,766 Members,
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Jessikassafepalace / JessikassafepalaceThis is a group whose purpose and mission statement is to enable sufferers from mental health problems to give each other the support encouragement and Advice so that they can help each other along the journey to for recovery. Enabling the achievement of recovery is what we wish and pray for for every member who will join this group. Take care. God bless and best wishes to all members.Created:
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jessupMoot Court CommunicationCreated:
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JESSUP-SurnameThis is a mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the JESSUP surname and variations, for example, JESSUPE, in any place and at any time. This list replaces the JESSUP list at Rootsweb which will be discontinued. Anyone interested in the JESSUP surname or JESSUP families is welcome.
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jestlinux / JestLinuxJestLinux - Просто о Линукс.Created:
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JesusafterJosephWe want to encourage people to learn about the Jesus of the Holy Bible. Sometimes when leave the Joseph church they turn their backs on Jesus and his teachings. Jesus is the Word, in John 1:1 it states that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word is God.Created:
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1 Member,
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jeuaccess / JeuAccessCette liste est consacrée aux jeux accessibles pour les déficients visuels. Jeux de rôle, arcade, etc. La langue importe peu, pourvu que ces jeux soient utilisables avec ou sans une aides techniques tel qu'un lecteur d'écran. Veillez à bien respecter ce thème, aucun autre sujet ne sera toléré.Created:
76 Members,
189 Topics,
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Jewell-genealogy / Jewell-genealogyA group / mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding Jewell genealogy or family history and Jewell genealogical research; involving the Jewell family name and all variations (e.g., Jewel) in any place and at any time. This is a transfer and replacement of the Rootsweb genealogical JEWELL mailing list. Discussion of genealogical DNA testing and analysis relating to this l...Created:
7 Members,
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JewishEverything Jewish, Jewish Jobs, Events, Sharing, Simcha. Open to all!Created:
19 Members,
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