HAMserveAZ / HAMserveAZMaricopa County Emergency Communications Group official chat group. This group is designed specifically to discuss and promote training and public service events in the state of Arizona, all leading to the development of a pool of Ham Radio operators trained to provide communications during disasters and public service events. We are not affiliated with any club or organization, but work closely w...Created:
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hamsforhistoryCOMING SOON!!!Created:
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HamShack / Hamshack Support GroupThis group is for Homebrewing Hams to share their experience & to guide each other in the building of kits related to HAM RADIOCreated:
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HamshackHotline / HamVoIP. HamshackHotline VoIP Amateur Radio Phones - HamsOverIP /VOIP Amateur Radio Telephone ☎️ HamVoip, Hamshack Hotline. Hams Over IP http://hamsoverip.com https://hamsoverip.github.io/wiki HAMSHACK HOTLINE - Voip Telephone for Amateur Radio Operators. Hamshack Hotline - VoIP Amateur Radio Phones User of HH support discussions : https://groups.io/g/HamshackHotline About our collaborate user discussion and support group. This group is not associated or...Created:
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hamskywarnmsCentral MS, NE LA, SE AR Skywarn is group of mostly hams, but all are welcome, that serve as storm spotters with the National Weather Service, Jackson, MS (JAN). Our coverage area covers parts of SE AR, NE LA, & Central MS. Notices of pending severe weather and updates of possible net activation will be sent out on an as needed basic. We are activated by the NWS Jackson, MS when needed.Created:
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hamsradio-65Мы Самодельщики. Группа для радиолюбителей - конструкторов, инженеров, начинающих. Направление и основная тематика группы - самодельная КВ техника, приемники SDRCreated:
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hamtechThis group promotes the hamtech Zoom meeting details and the Zoom link. This meeting is a very casual meeting with no topics planned in advance and no host doing presentations most of the time. It is a social group for newbies to Ham Radio and seasoned hams alike. It will usually be just a social meeting place but the members will gladly answer questions from anyone interested in amateur radio. F...Created:
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HamTetra / HamTETRAHamTetra is about utlizing TETRA communication technology for and with ham radio. Conversation topics vary from utilizing commercial equipment to development of own software stack for making TETRA at home with SDR equipment. Wiki section is enabled to store information related to HamTetra and use of TETRA all around; MCC/MNC codes used around the world, talkgroup details, system names and links, e...Created:
199 Members,
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hamthhomebrewThailand Radio Homebrew project. Any project can do homebrew and would like to share to our we are welcomeCreated:
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hamtowertrailers / Adventures in portable Ham Radio towersCreated:
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Hamtown / Ham TownHam Town: A forum to exchange ideas, chat or post listing from ongoing nets.Created:
117 Members,
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HamTrain / Foundation Online from HamTrainEmail discussion group for students and tutors taking part in Foundation Online courses run by Hamtrain.co.uk More chat? See our other discussion groups: UK Ham Radio Future ; UK Training ;Clubs & Club Support ;Essex Ham DiscussionCreated:
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HamTronicsDiscoveryHamTronicsDiscovery is a resource for new hams (including seasoned ones) who desire to continually learn, build, improve, and grow in the amateur radio hobby. The members of this group are students and elmers in a mutually supportive and beneficial relationship - we all learn from each other all the time! HamTronicsDiscovery is a virtual school for hams especially trying to involve the youth. We o...Created:
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hamultra / HamUltraAmateur Radio ClubCreated:
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HamVan / Ham Radio HF Mobile Vans, Motorhomes, and TrailersA forum for amateur radio operators converting and operating outside broadcasting (OB) or "live" TV news vans for ham radio activities.Created:
32 Members,
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HamventionInformation about Dayton HamventionCreated:
8 Members,
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HamVOIP-HDMIA group for support of Pres W2PW's HamVOIP HDMI Premium Allstar node.Created:
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hamx-programsA discussion list to discuss issues related to the programs at the Northeast HamXposition in Marlborough, MA a.k.a. New England Division Convention.Created:
17 Members,
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hana-lpZëri i tekstit në të folur në shqip. - Albanian Text-to-Speech Voice.Created:
11 Members,
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HanafinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Hanafin surname.Created:
5 Members,
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