FarmingtonHuntClubStaffA direct email for hunting staff only.Created:
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FarmingtonHuntLAEmail for Limited Associate Members of Farmington Hunt Club.Created:
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farmtotableexchange / Vermont Livestock and Farm to Table ExchangeThe purpose of this group is to connect people in Vermont and bordering States to a local food source and farmers to consumers who are looking for a local source of food, and or livestock to sell and buy so that others may find what they need to produce their own meat, milk etc. This is not the place to advertise pets, if rabbits are advertised they must be of a meat breed that are on A R B A'...Created:
4 Members,
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FarnamFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – FarnamCreated:
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farquharpta / FMS PTAWilliam H. Farquhar Middle School PTA Email ListservCreated:
216 Members,
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FARR / Farr surname Families History and GenealogyFarr surname family genealogy. A list for discussion and sharing for all Farr surname families, history and genealogy.Created:
7 Members,
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farrisMailing list for those researching the Farris surname and variations (e.g., Ferris, Faris, Feres, Farriss, Ferriss, Fairies, Pharis, Phares, Fferris, Ffarris, Ffaris, Ferres, Pheris, Pheres) worldwide.Created:
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FarroutSlotcarClub / Farrout Slot Car ClubThe FarrOut Slot Car Racing Club races 1/32 scale slot cars on weekends in the Los Angeles area. We currently have 7 car classes that are raced on 13 different tracks. The club focuses on fun, scale-realism and competition. Founded in 2002 by our benevolent dictator, Stephen Farr-Jones, the club fills Stephen's vision of first-class slot car racing as a great weekend activity for people of all...Created:
91 Members,
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3 Members,
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farscapegoatsNew iteration of old group --for use by any of the members of that groupCreated:
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FarthingcornerresidentsAirfield UsersCreated:
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FarthingcornerusersAirfield UsersCreated:
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FARTS / F.A.R.T.S.Fayette Amateur Radio Transmitting Society, Fayette County Texas. This is a Group dedicated to the advancement of Amateur Radio.Created:
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farvo / GRUPO DOS INTEGRANTES E AMIGOS DA FARVO-FLOTILHA DE ANGRA DOS REIS DE VELEIROS DE OCEANOGrupo de email para tratar dos assuntos inerentes a FARVO e vela de oceano.Created:
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fasd-canadian-news / FASD Canadian NewsCurrent awareness on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and alcohol and pregnancy for Canada and the world. This is an "announcement-only" group, continuing postings on the former listserv. Emails about: * articles in the news, research and reports * events: conferences, workshops, meetings, webinars * legislation, justice matters * new & recommended books & resources:websites, ...Created:
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FASDColoradoFind answers and resolve problems, get advice on navigating complex systems, and most importantly, connect with others who are walking the same path.Created:
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faserarbeit / FaserarbeitEine weitere Facharbeit am BSZET.Created:
3 Members,
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fasfazInvesting / Trading with leveraged ETFs. The excoboard fasfaz site membar setup when we all fled Google finance groups is dead.Created:
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fashionflair850I was in Vintage Cloth Doll and heard other were coming to this siteCreated:
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FashionsForBabyFaceDollsAll Baby Face Dolls Collectors Are Welcome Here Baby Face dolls are modern, 13.5 inch fully jointed and poseable vinyl dolls with unique expressions, acrylic glass eyes, and doll eyelashes. Designed by Mel Birnkrant, licensed to Lewis Galoob Toy Company (LGIT) Made in 1990 and 1991 We love to dress them, Create patterns for them Sew, Crochet, Knit, doll clothes for them. We love to Photograph the...Created:
28 Members,
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