baricentricasThe goal of this group is the discussion about the use of the package Baricentricas.nb by Francisco Javier García Capitán (with many suggestions by Ercole Suppa).Created:
17 Members,
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barionet / Barix BarionetThe Barix Barionet is an innovative, programmable web based I/O product. This discussion group is for users of the Barionet, which are interested in receiving latest information about their product as well as discuss with others using it.Created:
38 Members,
26 Topics,
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BarisaFamily / Joseph G. and Marcella M. Senkus Barisa FamilyA group to share information between members of the Joseph G. Barisa and Marcella M. Senkus Barisa families from Western Pennsylvania.Created:
12 Members,
100 Topics,
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BARK-9 / BARK-9 Therapy DogsThis is a closed group for the members of the Broome County, NY BARK-9 Therapy Dogs group. Membership must be approved by the list owner. Please include your name, your dog's name and the registry you're certified with in subscription requests. If you're interested in doing pet therapy in the Greater Binghamton area or arranging for a visit, please contact the group owner or modera...Created:
15 Members,
2,829 Topics,
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BARK-listBoone, IA Area Radio Klub.(KB0TLM)Created:
18 Members,
382 Topics,
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barkaizayinקבוצה לרבני ברקאי מחזור זCreated:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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BarkerDiscussion of Barker genealogy and related data.Created:
38 Members,
11 Topics,
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BarkerHorizontalMills / Barker Horizontal MillsFor owners, operators, and other persons interested in Barker horizontal mills.Created:
32 Members,
7 Topics,
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Barlow-Wadley-XCR-30-Radio / Barlow-Wadley XCR-30 Users and Information GroupTo share information and experiences owning, operating, maintaining and modifying the venerable Barlow-Wadley XCR-30 radio,Created:
8 Members,
4 Topics,
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BarmoreFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BarmoreCreated:
5 Members,
5 Topics,
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barnabasppg / Barnabas PPGGroup discussion list for members of Barnabas Medical Centre, Northolt, Patient Participation Group.Created:
1 Member,
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BarnardBarnard Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
18 Members,
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Barnardbookclubjlem / Barnard Book Club - JerusalemBook club for Barnard alumnae in Israel, meeting monthly in Jerusalem. Online group is for meeting notifications, material about books and authors, voting on books to read and other related content.Created:
78 Members,
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BarnardCollaborative / Jonathan Barnard CollaborativeThis is a group communication tool for descendants of Jonathan and Bridget (Barnett) Barnard to research and preserve information about the Ancestors and Descendants of Jonathan Barnard, originally of Massachusetts to Tennessee. Jonathan Barnard was said to have been born Jan 1, 1760. There is some dispute about the exact date, but that is the typical date used. He served in the Revolutionary War ...Created:
7 Members,
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BarncordGenealogy / Barncord & Barncard GenealogyThe purpose of this group is to discuss the family and genealogy of the Barncord surname. Variations in spelling include Barncourt and Barncard. In the United States, the Barncord family descends from Peter Barncourt, who fought in the Revolutionary War. The family lived in Franklin County, Pennsylvania and descendants have moved throughout the United States. Files, photos, and documentation will...Created:
17 Members,
221 Topics,
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BarnesBarnes Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
35 Members,
2 Topics,
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BarnetClassicCarClub / Barnet Classic Car ClubNon profit local Car Club to promote the use and preservation of Classic cars in the Barnet and surrounding areasCreated:
136 Members,
354 Topics,
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BarnettThis list is for Barnett family genealogy researchersCreated:
6 Members,
1 Topic,
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Barnetu3aCCE / Barnet u3a Climate Change & Environment GroupEmails sent between members of the Barnet u3a Climate Change & Environment Group; meeting notifications and minutes, educational material, and topics of general interest.Created:
16 Members,
67 Topics,
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barnetu3asnt2Mailing list for Barnet U3A Science and Technology 2 special interest group.Created:
10 Members,
77 Topics,
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