Contact me if you need help.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
AbusedSurvivors / Abused Survivors
This support group has been formed to offer an outstretched hand to adult survivors of abuse (physical, verbal, emotional, spiritual, or sexual abuse). You are not alone and I want you to know that. There is no reasonable term such as "dwelling on it, or that phrase "get over it already", because we all know that abuse from childhood takes a long time to work through and a whole...
227 Members, 320 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AbusedSurvivorsUnited / AbusedSurvivorsUnited
Welcome, this is your list owner Jace speaking, welcome to AbusedSurvivorsUnited, a place where sufferers of all types of abuse can get support alongside their families/friends/carers, this is a non-judgmental list that means it doesn't exclude anyone on grounds of race, religion, ethnicity, colour, disability, or gender identity, this list is an abuse support group, to keep all members safe i...
12 Members, 91 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AbusedSurvivorsWorldwideSupport / AbusedSurvivorsWorldwideSupport
welcome to abusedSurvivorsWorldwideSupport, whether your a victim of child abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, adulthood parental abuse, domestic abuse, religious abuse, mental abuse, spiritual abuse, or satanic ritual abuse, you are safe and welcome here. If your struggling to cope with a narcissistic parent you are safe here, if your struggling wi...
19 Members, 6 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
abw / Analy Band Wagon
Group email for the Analy Band Wagon, a parent booster organization for the band program at Analy High School in Sebastopol, CA.
13 Members, 28 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
abwaverdugoglen / American Business Womens Association VerdugoGlen
American Business Womens Association VerdugoGlen chapter is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help women grow through leadership, networking, education, and learning. We provide scholarships to business women in the community wishing to improve their business or professional life.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Abwoon / Abwoon
This is the main parent group (not for posting) for all Abwoon Network related lists, including Desert Flowers, the Spring 2020 Beatitudes online retreat, the Mail Prayer Meeting, on the path, connecting and meeting. All have a restricted membership.
683 Members, 823 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A group to provide networking of persons and groups who promote the Native Middle Eastern translation and spiritual practice work of Neil Douglas Klotz. Includes ome inspired by his work intorelated relationship projects. Also includes Dances of Universal Peace leaders who lead ancestors in this stream.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Group for breeders of Abyssiniians in CFA This group is used to discuss the Abyssinian cat breed. Any discussion on health problems, breeding problems, and general issues with Abyssinian cats may be discussed.
12 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Abyssinian-CFA-BC / Abyssinian-CFA-BC
This group is to enable & encourage discussions amongst CFA Breed Council members regarding the Abyssinian Breed. You must be a member of the CFA Abyssinian Breed Council in order to join this group. All CFA Aby breeders are encouraged to join the Breed Council & to participate in our discussions here.
22 Members, 15 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This group is for anyone who owns, flies or is just interested in the AviaStroitel AC-4 and AC-5 Russia series of gliders. This is an open forum for all discussions about Russia gliders, including buying, flying, maintenance, technical matters, etc. All are welcome!
59 Members, 100 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
AC-DocTeam / AC-DocTeam
Email reflector for ARRL ARES Connect document team
3 Members, 11 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
For folks who have an interest in portable or standby generators. Just about any message will be on-topic if it pertains to generators or powering your house with alternative sources of AC. We will entertain messages concerning hooking up portable generators to residences as well as using them to power individual loads. New members will find their first message to be moderated, after that, moderat...
34 Members, 14 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
AC100Communications / AC100 Communications
We are the organization of Amateur Radio leaders and operators or "Hams" for check-points of the annual "AC100" - The Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run. This is an ultramarathon, a one hundred mile trail race run every year through the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California. If you would like to join us in committing our knowledge and skills to the safety of the runners o...
106 Members, 1,170 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AC5V-Elmer / AC5V Amateur Radio Elmer Group
Elmer group for providing general assistance to Amateur Radio operators. The availablility of replies depends on the SME (subject matter experts) subscribed to the group. This is intended to be a guilt-free place to ask questions. Everyone is to be treated with respect. No ridiculing will be allowed. It is not a political, religious, or other social issu forum - just amateur radio. Be friendly and...
29 Members, 748 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AC5V-VE / AC5V VE Team
Ham Radio VE Testing Team
11 Members, 216 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Morse code (CW) group for Buzz Tarlow AC6AC's students (past, present, and future) scheduling, resources, help, and chat. This group is by permission only, please. Contact if there are any questions. When joining, please indicate your first name and call sign. .
347 Members, 1,982 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AC6TI-ARRL-VEC / AC6TI ARRL VEC Amateur Radio Test Session

7 Members, 500 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
An informal, unaffiliated group listserv for members of the Amherst College Class of 1971 and their friends.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
AC8RC / Allegan County Amateur Radio Club
The Allegan County Amateur Radio Club AC8RC. This is our informational and communication portal. We invite all looking for information on Allegan County radio club and local information. The AC8RC web site. The AC8RC Facebook page. Volunteer Examiners Getting you License ARRL League
17 Members, 72 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: