ODMSBODThis is working group for ODMS Board of directors containing 9 voting memebers.Created:
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ODnTOriginal Dungeons & Travellers While on a survey on a low tech desert world, the party’s air/raft breaks through the surface into an underground cave, is swept over a huge waterfall and find themselves in a bizarre lost "hollow onion world" of primitive magic wielding sophonts, fighting for survival against the horrors of the layer below.Created:
3 Members,
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odonata-si / Slovensko odonatološko društvoPozdravljeni na listi Slovenskega odonatološkega društva. Če vas zanimajo kačji pastirji, ste prišli na pravi naslov.Created:
108 Members,
251 Topics,
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ODonnellFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the O'Donnell surname.Created:
28 Members,
5 Topics,
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ODonoghueFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – O'DonoghueCreated:
4 Members,
4 Topics,
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odoo / Odoo developer and users.Group for Odoo developer and users. Odoo is the Open Source ERP and CRM for Business.Created:
24 Members,
16 Topics,
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ODowdFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - O'DowdCreated:
4 Members,
5 Topics,
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ODRGroup for those interested on Online Dispute ResolutionCreated:
1 Member,
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odr-mmbtoolsPublic discussion group for the Opendigitalradio mmbTools users and developers. Development mailing-list for ODR-DabMux, ODR-DabMod, ODR-AudioEnc, ODR-PadEnc, etc. Discussion related to other digital broadcasting topics is welcome.Created:
164 Members,
251 Topics,
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odsaOpen Domain-Specific Accelerator WorkgroupCreated:
6 Members,
0 Topics,
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odsa-workgroup / Open Domain-Specific Architecture (ODSA) WorkgroupGroup for discussion about the ODSA - a chiplet-based open architecture for domain-specific accelerators. Please register for the 2nd ODSA Workshop at Samsung on 3/28. Search for "ODSA" at www.eventbrite.comCreated:
87 Members,
65 Topics,
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odsa-workshopGroup for all the attendees at the odsa-workshopCreated:
2 Members,
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odtualumnicanadaThis will be updatedCreated:
2 Members,
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OdumFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – OdumCreated:
7 Members,
3 Topics,
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ODwyerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the O'Dwyer surname.Created:
4 Members,
4 Topics,
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odxa / Ontario DX AssociationThe Ontario DX Association was founded in 1974 as a club for radio listeners, primarily shortwave broadcasting, but other bands and modes as well. The ODXA grew to be one of the largest SWL/DX clubs in the world. In more recent years we have been an online presence, posting monthly articles and providing opportunities for the exchange of listening tips and hobby information. Besides groups.io we c...Created:
672 Members,
35,322 Topics,
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ody-sdr / Odyssey SDRAll about Ody-SDR, sdr, radiohobby, tranceiver, receiver, Odyssey, odyssey-2 TRX, HAM radio by N7DDCCreated:
177 Members,
298 Topics,
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odysseybrOdyssey BrasilCreated:
1 Member,
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OdysseySkippersThis is an email group for Odyssey Skipper to communicate with each other about best practices for Odyssey under way operations.Created:
8 Members,
1 Topic,
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oecOEC Email ForwardingCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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