LanguageJusticeLA / Language Justice LA
Language Justice Los Angeles is a local coalition that supports and engages in advocacy to eradicate language discrimination and promote language justice principles. We provide a forum for language rights advocates to develop expertise, share resources, devise strategy, and foster best practices. Collectively, we strive to advocate for enhanced protections and more effective enforcement of languag...
36 Members, 216 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A group for language educators who facilitate language acquisition with comprehensible, and communicatively-embedded Input. New to teaching with CI or have questions? This is the place to ask away.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Meu grupo de teste
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Lanigan surname.
7 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
lankkariseura / Suomen länkkäriseura
Suomen Länkkäriseuran virallinen sähköpostiryhmä. Kaikenlainen keskustelu lännenfiktiosta eli länkkäreistä missä tahansa mediassa on mahdollista, samoin keskustelu Villin lännen historiasta. Keskustelu saa rönsyillä, mutta syrjivää puhetta ei sallita.
12 Members, 37 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
lanlink / LanLink software for Amtor Packet APRS and other digital modes
LanLink software
8 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Lansford
5 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
lansingareacatholichomeschoolers / Lansing-Area Catholic Homeschoolers
This is a support group for Lansing-area Catholic home educators. This is a place for local Catholic families who are trying to live their vocation as Catholic homeschooling parents to connect with one another. It is a place to share local events, sell your used curricula, ask Catholic homeschooling questions, receive and give support, and just to be with like-minded individuals in the same endea...
76 Members, 328 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Movements and news for Lanzarote Airport ACE/GCRR
80 Members, 2,940 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LAOC Los Angeles Orienteering topics: 2-way message group - all members can send messages to the group. Usually consists of active members such as LAOC Board, Event Coordinators, Course Setters, let's not forget Volunteers. And other eager active orienteers in LAOC. The group grows by invitation. replaces the long-used Yahoo.groups which Yahoo is shutting down early Dec 2...
32 Members, 198 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
We created this group so LAP staff who are involved in the programming and direct clinical work have a place to connect, ask questions, and share ideas and best practices.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
lapachetfamily / Lapachet Family
This is a private group for communications of the Lapachet Family. We are based in the San Francisco Bay Area
31 Members, 317 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
lapc / LAPC-Los Alamos Photo Club
LAPC: The Los Alamos Photo Club (LAPC) is devoted to photography topics in general. Meeting topics have included the gamut of techniques for taking photos, "post-processing" them, and printing them. LAPC is open to all who are interested in photography, primarily digital. LAPC meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of most months, from 7-9 PM. Currently (as of July 2024), LAPC meetings are in-person...
58 Members, 377 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LaPermKittens / LaPerm Kittens
This group is for people who are looking for a LaPerm kitten in the UK from reputable registered breeders and for any breeders with kittens available. Adult rehomes may also appear here. Please post to introduce yourself if you are interested in getting a kitten(s). Breeders, please post information and pictures of available kittens. The purpose of this group is to coordinate enquiries and put peo...
59 Members, 50 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Observation des lapins normands
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
lappin / Lappin Ave Neighbours
A group for neighbours of Lappin Ave to connect and discuss local topics, issues and events.
9 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Last Post:
LAProducers / LAProducers
The LAProducers group is a Private email forum managed as a networking utility for Los Angeles based entertainment industry professionals with verifiable job titles including: Freelance or Staff Producer, Exec.Producer, Line Producer, Assoc.Producer, Field/ Segment Producer, Prod.Supervisor, UPM/Prod.Manager, Prod.Coordinator, Post Supervisor. We are a Resource Referral Network for LA, CA --- LAPr...
2,274 Members, 29,651 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
laptrinhvien / Lập Trình Viên
Lập Trình Viên - Nhóm Thảo Luận Các Đề Tài Lập Trình
41 Members, 39 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Laquer family discussion and info group.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Lake Acworth Region AACA - Antique auto club
10 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: