ichtisWspólnota modlitewno-ewangelizacyjna ICHTISCreated:
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iclrmi / International Collections Librarians' RoundtableHome of the International Collections Librarians' Roundtable in Michigan.Created:
47 Members,
277 Topics,
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ICM710 / Icom IC-M710 Marine RadioThis group is for the users of the Icom M710 Marine SSB radio. Join us for discussions of the M710 and M710RT radios installation and operation.Created:
5 Members,
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icnlistMailing list for In Choro Novo, a non-profit professional choir in MetroWest Boston. More information available at inchoronovo.orgCreated:
30 Members,
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ico / Islam & COVIDThe Islam & COVID Community of Practice harvests experiences from Muslims, who discuss, co-create, share, and transfer replicable responses and solutions to the pandemic, based on need, and sourced from the Glorious Quran and authentic SunnahCreated:
2 Members,
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icodersiCoders official group.Created:
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ICOIA / ICOIA mailing listThe ICOIA mailing list provides an online discussion forum and information resource for ICOIA members. The aim of the ICOIA mailing list is to facilitate information sharing, (e.g. new research and education opportunities, academic job positions, conferences, seminars, and workshops) and to promote links, collaborative working, joint problem-solving, and mutual support for all ICOIA members and fr...Created:
78 Members,
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ICOM / IcomAll things Icom (general discussion about Icom products for Amateur Radio) --Please keep it friendly here. This is intended to be a safe place for everyone to be, and we intend to keep it that way. For this reason, let's keep religion out of discussions, and politics for the most part, with the exception of perhaps amateur-radio legislation, ARRL matters, etc.Created:
985 Members,
625 Topics,
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Icom-746 / Icom IC-746A group to discuss us and repair of the Icom IC-746 (non-pro).Created:
167 Members,
71 Topics,
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Icom-746ProDiscussions about the Icom IC-746Pro amateur radio transceiver. In some markets, this radio was branded as the IC-7400.Created:
289 Members,
155 Topics,
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Icom-IC-2730 / Icom IC 2730A group to discuss the Icom IC-2730 analog mobile radio.Created:
118 Members,
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ICOM-IC-740 / ICOM IC-740 a classic radio. All original WARC bands and a small station footprint when used with the optional internal power supply.I am trying to save some of the Ham Radio Yahoo related user groups over here on groups.io. I have backed up many of the old Yahoo groups and have the messages, files and photos stored. The Yahoo message files are small enough to be brought over easily for a group of this size (less than 1000 messages). All of the Yahoo files and photos will also be moved here. I don't really want to remain an...Created:
53 Members,
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Icom-IC-905This group is for owners, users or interested parties in the Icom IC-905 amateur radio transceiver. This device is the first commercial ham radio which is designed to be used at SHF - Super High Frequencies, including 1200, 2400, 5600 Mhz and 10 Ghz and therefore presents new opportunities for ham radio experimentation for folks who have never had access to suitable equipment. Please respect peopl...Created:
3 Members,
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ICOM-IC-970 / ICOM IC-970 Support GroupWelcome ! This group is dedicated to the rare and fine multi-mode 2M/70CM/23CM/13CM transceiver Icom IC-970 A/E/H. As well as JDM versions. These radios share some design elements of the popular IC-275/475/1275 model radios. ARCHIVED MESSAGES: See files section for Yahoo Group messages in HTML. Use your browser or HTML editor to view. https://groups.io/g/ICOM-IC-970/files/_AAA%20ARCHIVED%20MESSAG...Created:
114 Members,
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ICOM-ICR-9000 / ICOM IC-R9000 Support GroupWelcome to the NEW ICOM IC-R9000 Support Group ! ARCHIVED MESSAGES: See files section for Yahoo Group messages in HTML. Use your browser or HTML editor to view. https://groups.io/g/ICOM-ICR-9000/files/_AAA%20ARCHIVED%20MESSAGES/Icom9000OwnersClub.html Total 1956 Messages from inception on 3/17/2001 to 11/9/2019 Use your browser to open and search contents. General Specifications 100kHz-1999.8M...Created:
116 Members,
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Icom-ICR9000ICOM IC-R9000 Coveted by original owners and occasionally found on the pre-owned market in excellent condition, the IC-R9000 may indeed be considered a better value than much higher priced mil-spec units. Lets discuss the R9000's internal power supply, heat issues, cooling methods, CRT matters, filter options, parts availability and sources, known service centers and gurus, etc. Please check o...Created:
26 Members,
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Icom-LMR / Icom & Land Mobile RadoExchange of information in the Land Mobile Industry. For dealers only, not intended for hobbyists. Originally dedicated to Icom Land Mobile Authorized Dealers.in 2002 However all LMR & Two-Way Radio related topics are welcome.Created:
34 Members,
140 Topics,
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ICOM-R8500This is a group to discuss all aspects of the R8500Created:
238 Members,
51 Topics,
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icom2kl / The Icom IC-2KL 500W Solid-State (BJT) AmplifierThis group is dedicated to the Icom IC 2KL HF amplifier. All 2KL related information is welcome such as repairs, alignment, modifications, parts, FS/WTB etc. Posts and information related to the AT-500 (companion ATU to the IC-2KL) and the AT-100 ATU are also welcome. This group replaces the old Yahoo icom2kl group, which has now been closed due to discontinuance of the Yahoo Groups service in the...Created:
189 Members,
69 Topics,
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Icom703A group for people interested in the Icom 703 Radio and associated accessoriesCreated:
53 Members,
21 Topics,
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