HamRadioHackerThis is a space for Ham Radio enthusiast that want to share information in regards to Ham Radio, those that wish to play with digital modes, create hardware and software.Created:
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hamradiohawaii / Ham Radio HawaiiHam Radio Hawaii supports Amateur Radio information and happenings in HawaiiCreated:
50 Members,
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HamRadioHelmondGroup created for Ham Radio Amateurs in the vicinity of Helmond, The Netherlands.Created:
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HamRadioHelp / Ham Radio HelpAsk for help on Amateur Radio topics here.Created:
601 Members,
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HamRadioHomebrewTubeTransmitters / Ham Radio Homebrew Tube TransmittersA forum for discussing design, building and operating of ham radio tube transmitters, from QRPp to QRO output levels.Created:
9 Members,
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HamRadioIndiaan e-group for all radio amateurs in IndiaCreated:
3 Members,
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HAMRadioOntario / Ontario Canada Amateur Radio / HAM Radio - www.VA3.CAAmateur HAM Radio Ontario & Canada https://groups.io/g/HAMRadioOntario 🇨🇦 ✅ www.VE3.ca Ontario ✅ www.VA3.ca Ontario 🇨🇦 Amateur Radio operator call-sign search by County :: (created) Amateur Call-search by County :: USA + Canada + Australia (created) Canada - https://bit.ly/callsigncan USA - https://bit.ly/callsignusa1 USA - https://bit.ly/callsignusa Au...Created:
81 Members,
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HamRadioPSKVHFUHFDigitalGroupThis Group was formed to discuss/experiment with digital modes like PSK31, HELL, MFSK16, SSTV, WSJT FSK441/JT44 (etc.) on VHF/UHF but, ALL ARE WELCOME. Yahoo provides a place to list messages, Files, Photos, Bookmarks, Polls, Databases, and Calendar. Try some PSK on 144.150 or 50.290...so join in! Any stations be it a big or small are welcome. Try FM PSK31/SSTV if you have no all mode rig. If you ...Created:
29 Members,
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HamRadioRTTYAmateur Radio RTTY discussion.Created:
1 Member,
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HamRadioSwapShop / Amateur HAM Radio SwapShop - BUY / SELL / TRADEHAM Radio SwapShop [ Sell / Buy ] HAM Radio Equipment ( For Sale / Wanted / Trade ) https://groups.io/g/HamRadioSwapShop The Exchange to Trade / Barter / Sell / Want For Sale And Wanted. HELP 🚨 ANY NEEDED HELP OR CONCERNS SEE ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT DETAILS Amateur Radio operator call-sign search by County :: (created) Amateur call-sign search by County :: USA + Canada + Australia C...Created:
296 Members,
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hamradiotvHuntsville Al. ForecastCreated:
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HamRadioU / Ham Radio UniversityA group for people interested in Ham Radio University 2021, a day of technical education for Amateur Radio operators in the New York City / Long Island area. HRU 2021 will be held virtually using GoToWebinar from the http://www.HamRadioUniversity.org websiteCreated:
8 Members,
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HamRadioUKThis group is for hints, tips and project discussions for all things Amateur Radio related. Nothing specific just general information for sharing.Created:
1 Member,
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hamreadyReady for anything with Ham Radio.Created:
3 Members,
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HAMSHAM Radio OperatorsCreated:
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Hams-Christian-FellowshipThe Amateurs for Christ Christian Fellowship group meets on EchoLink and various RF nodes around the world. All hams are invited to connect and chat regardless of religious affiliation. Being a Christian is not required of you in order to join this group, whether it be via this yahoo group or over the air, all are welcome, come as you are. All stations wishing to participate are encouraged to ...Created:
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Hams4us / AFU Schwarzwald-Baar Heuberg ob.NeckarDeutschsprachiger Austauschplatz in Sachen Amateurfunk der ehemaligen Gruppe AFU-SBHoN (AFU Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg-oberer Neckar). Geeignet für alle, die nicht Messanger nutzen und auch Mitteilungen verbreiten möchten. Hier geht es um alles zum Thema Amateurfunk aus den Regionen Villingen-Schwenningen, Tuttlingen, Primtal, Balingen, Schramberg, Sulz und Rottweil. Man kann über Fielddays, Kont...Created:
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HAMSAFEWe are a Cyber Security Working Group aiming to improve cyber security practices and education for Amateur Radio service users. Our group is globally inclusive, welcoming members and information from all around the world. We primarily use English for our communications and discussions.Created:
14 Members,
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hamsbeer / Homebrewers Association of Manatee and Sarasota (HAMS)For the use of the members of the Homebrewers Association of Manatee and Sarasota (HAMS)Created:
60 Members,
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HamSCI-Antenna-ProjectThose interested in studying and defining one or more antennas which can be used at HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) GRAPE sites to be deployed next year as part of the DASI2 grant.Created:
40 Members,
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