abq-ham / ABQ-HamThe ABQ-Ham reflector exists to provide information on amateur radio operations in and around Albuquerque, New Mexico. This independent reflector is not affiliated with any group or organization. List subscribers are encouraged to contribute and share information about topics and events of interest to hams in and around the Albuquerque area.Created:
82 Members,
94 Topics,
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abqITug / Albuquerque Information Technology User Group - abqITugAlbuquerque Information Technology User Group - abqITugCreated:
44 Members,
147 Topics,
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abqITug-brd / Albuquerque Information Technology User Group Board - abqitug-brdAlbuquerque Information Technology User Group Board - abqitug-brdCreated:
1 Member,
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ABQTrailheadsGroup of runners, hikers, and bikers preferring to get off the beaten path and explore the trails surrounding the Albuquerque area and beyond. Happy Trails!Created:
18 Members,
269 Topics,
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abraham-hicksFor students of Abraham-HicksCreated:
3 Members,
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AbrahamSmithofAmherstVAReplacing the Yahoo genealogical research group due to Yahoo discontinuing groups. Dedicated to the genealogical research of Abraham Smith of Amherst Virginia, his descendants and the various branches. This group is dedicated to the genealogical research of the descendants and ancestors of Abraham Smith of Amherst, VA. Researchers for Smith Family genealogy are welcome to join and participate. ...Created:
32 Members,
68 Topics,
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abrazadores-de-la-tierraAbrazadores de la Tierra es una comunidad abierta a todos los hispanohablantes del mundo para la práctica de la tradición de Plum Village entre personas comprometidas con la Justicia en ámbitos sociales y medioambientales. Una de las finalidades principales de la comunidad será la de contribuir a la creación de “Islas de cordura” ante la tragedia ecológico-social que se avecina. Abrazado...Created:
10 Members,
93 Topics,
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ABS-Midstates / American Bamboo Society - Midstates ChapterAn email discussion Group for members of the American Bamboo Society who are mainly located in the Middle or Northeastern States.Created:
24 Members,
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ABSCBNKapuso7ArchivesWelcome to ABS CBN and Kapuso GMA 7 archives to AJ Sillo.Created:
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AbsenceCentral / Absence CentralA meeting place for anyone interested in Absence Management.Created:
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ABSEPACParentGroup / AB SEPAC Parent-to-ParentThis is a parent-to-parent support group of the Acton-Boxborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (AB SEPAC). Members are solely parents or guardians of children with disabilities residing in Acton or Boxborough, Massachusetts. The group is a tool for direct support and the exchanging of ideas and information among members. Mention of district personnel by name will not be permitted. Plea...Created:
50 Members,
4 Topics,
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ABserverassistantAngus Barn server assistants people pageCreated:
41 Members,
724 Topics,
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ABShowDogs / Alberta Show DogsEmail list for people interested in dog shows, trials, events in Alberta as well as a place to ask questions and share information.Created:
63 Members,
1,409 Topics,
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AbsolutelyABC / AbsolutelyABCA group for our favorite shows on ABC ... past, present and future. Daytime or Primetime. News, Sorts and everything in between.Created:
5 Members,
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AbsolutelyEmbird / Absolutely EmbirdA group where we can work and learn about Embird software together. All Embird software will be covered, learning all the tips and tricks Embird has to offer the embroidery world. Please keep the discussions related to Embird topics and keep off-topic discussions to a minimum. Please see the group guidelines for rules for posting to the group. Peggy Severt, the group owner, is an independent in...Created:
3,688 Members,
23,377 Topics,
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AbsolutelyEmbird01A group where we can work and learn about Embird software together. All Embird software will be covered, learning all the tips and tricks Embird has to offer the embroidery world. Please keep the discussions related to Embird topics and keep off-topic discussions to a minimum. Please see the group guidelines for rules for posting to the group. Peggy Severt, the group owner, is an independent ins...Created:
0 Members,
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ABtrainersAngus Barn Staff TrainersCreated:
32 Members,
307 Topics,
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ABTRLadyTravelersWELCOME! to the Abingdon by the River Lady Travelers Message Board ("the ABTR Lady Travelers Blog") where you can ask your traveling neighbors and friends questions, invite other members for dinner, provide recommendations for travel (local or international), request assistance with booking, and any travel-related options.. We strive to keep the blog focused on providing maximum benefits...Created:
7 Members,
12 Topics,
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1 Member,
0 Topics,
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AbudhabiContact me if you need help.Created:
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