ukqrp / UK QRP Group
Welcome to the UK QRP Group . . . . a haven for the victims of contest QRM The UK QRP Group was formed to bring together like-minded amateur radio operators and listeners having an interest in low power amateur radio topics. Membership is open to all those having an interest in low power radio communication using morse code (CW) and analogue telephony modes (AM/FM/DSB/SSB). Although many other ...
88 Members, 171 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Home of UK Radio Scanners Supporting all aspects of radio listening
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UKRailGen / UKRailGen
A group for information about current UK Rail movements and trains of interest. The following types of posts are accepted: (1) A real-time sighting of a train (where possible include a headcode or destination if known. Post must include the location at where the train was seen. (2) Daily reports, typically a list of what you saw that day. A location must be included (3) Advance information on trai...
385 Members, 145,050 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UKRailTrolleyOperatorsGroup / UK Rail Trolley Operators Group
A group for owners and operators of Rail Trolleys in the UK, to discuss all and any issues relating to restorations, parts / spares, operations, safety and any other relevant topics. Although the majority of members own or operate various types of Wickham Trolley, the Group will also cover topics applicable to all makes of Trolley including, but not limited to: Bance, Baguley Drewry, Consillia, ...
39 Members, 18 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a utility email adjunct service for persons involved with and/or interested in .Uniting for Ukraine (Rogue Valley)For more info about the group itself go to that website. As for this email server system (in case you're not familiar with email servers) here's a brief description: This address, becomes a substitute for sending out emai...
8 Members, 624 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ukrainian-genealogy-search / Ukrainian Genealogy Search
Maillist for sharing and exchanging information about Ukrainian Genealogy research. This mailing list pertains to the research of family history that traces back to area currently under Ukraine, formerly under Ukrainain control, and those areas formerly within Galacia (under the Austro-Hungarian Empire).
48 Members, 15 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKRepeaterKeepers / UK Repeater Keepers
Welcome to for UK Amateur Radio Repeater Keepers. This group provides a forum for UK Repeater Keepers to discuss repeater design, operation and related issues relevant to all types of licensed repeaters (i.e. digital, analogue etc) in the UK. This forum is independently managed on behalf of the UK Repeater Keeper community. Membership is by request, when joining please submit a short s...
74 Members, 49 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A small group of pleasant people with an interest in aviation and flightsim, but no rigid 'off-topic' bans. Friendly discussion on a variety of topics with a loose relationship to aviation and flightsim. Regular updates about new flightsim products. Like-minded souls are always welcome.
3 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A small group of pleasant people with an interest in aviation and flight simulation, but no rigid 'off-topic' bans. Friendly discussion on a variety of topics with a loose relationship to aviation and flight sim. Regular updates about new flight sim products. Like-minded souls are always welcome.
23 Members, 240 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
uksmg / UKSMG Discussion Group
This discussion group is available to all Six Metre enthusiasts. When applying to join this reflector please give your Name and Callsign. If you are a member of the UKSMG, then if known please add your membership number. This Reflector is intended for the exchange of information on 50 MHz operation including DX-related topics, QSL information, propagation, technical discussions & other news be...
314 Members, 403 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
uksmug / UK Smartware User Group
A forum to discuss Smartware, an integrated office suite originally created by Innovative Software and currently being developed and marketed by Smartware Corporation.
71 Members, 81 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UK Silken Windhound Club Committee
8 Members, 101 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
amateur radio system fusion digital radio
3 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Last Post:
UKT Komisija Saveza Radio-amatera Vojvodine
11 Members, 188 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKToyotaFJCruiserMegaCruiser / UK Toyota FJ, Cruiiser and MegaCruiser
For UK owners and enthusiasts of the Toyota'S FJ, FJ Cruiser, and Mega Cruiser models.
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
UK University Amateur Radio
11 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKuG-Committee / UKuG Committee
Internal group for committee business - created 26-Jul-2017 to succeed previous UKuG_Committee yahoo group
16 Members, 2,800 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ukuleleclubofchinatown / Ukulele Club of Chinatown
Welcome to the Ukulele Club of Chinatown, dedicated to joyful, collaborative music making with people in our community. The Ukulele Club of Chinatown was established by the Chinese Congregational Church as an extension of friendship to our neighbors. We are located in the heart of San Francisco's Chinatown, across from Portsmouth Square. Join Zoom Meeting
61 Members, 79 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UkuleleLadies / Ukulele Ladies
The Ukulele Ladies come from the Indianapolis area and are a welcoming group of women of ALL skill levels who want to play the uke. We practice once a week at members homes. Please inquire via email at:
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKVHFContesting / UK VHF Contesting
Welcome to for UK Contesters interested in 50MHz/VHF/UHF/Microwave contesting. This group provides a forum for discussion and is independently managed on behalf of the UK 50MHz/VHF/UHF/Microwave Contest Community. When initially applying to join this group, if possible use an e-mail address which includes your callsign - this will speed up the joining process. Click here to view the Re...
426 Members, 3,253 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: