tankeDiscussion group for descendants and other relatives of Elias "Ed" Everson. His name in the Old World was Tanke Ivarsen, according to the 1875 Norwegian census. (source) That's a variant on the more common Tanne, which appears to have been used mainly in Rogaland in the late 19th and early 20th century. The word tanke means thought or contemplation in Norwegian. We like to think and co...Created:
11 Members,
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Tanner-ENGDiscussing and sharing of information regarding the Tanner surname and variations (e.g., Tannor, Tannar) in England. Formerly Rootsweb genealogy list.Created:
9 Members,
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tannertalkA group dedicated to the TV show The Magnificent Seven with a primary focus on the character Vin Tanner played by Eric Close.Created:
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Tannoy / Tannoy Monitor Gold discussion groupThis email group is for Tannoy enthusiasts, particularly the classic Dual Concentric loudspeaker designs up to 1979, although not excluding the recent Tannoy products, or other Tannoy vintage products such as pickups and amplifiers prior to 1980. So are you a Tannoy owner? Do you favour the Tannoy equipment? Do you need more info about a problem you have with your vintage Tannoy gear? Then you sh...Created:
2,170 Members,
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TannoySilverA group for discussion of vintage Tannoy Silver Monitor drivers, cross-overs, and cabinetsCreated:
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taoJoin this group for sharing knowledge IT or car... Who is looking for jobs or who has a jobs to offer and need a helping hand... Can join:-).Created:
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taoism-singapore / Taoism-SingaporeFocusing on culture and heritage, this email forum is dedicated to discussions on Chinese temple culture and Taoist heritage in Singapore.Created:
323 Members,
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TaosARCTaos Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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tapestrycrochetInterested in learning more about or sharing your tapestry crochet masterpieces? Then this group is for you! Tapestry crochet is similar to regular crochet, except that one or more yarns are carried while another is crocheted. While I prefer the single crochet stitch, any stitch may be used. The finished pieces usually look woven instead of crocheted. The carried yarn is not visible from the back ...Created:
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TapestryParkBookClubOriginally formed in 2007 for neighbors of the Tapestry Park neighborhood in The Woodlands, TX. Now members are current and former Tapestry Park neighbors and friends. We meet (in the time of COVID-19) via Zoom on the third Thursday of every month. Great books and scintillating discussions. Time to catch up and reconnect. Plus a good read!Created:
9 Members,
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TapestryWeaversVictoriaThe Tapestry Weaving group meets to share and explore any information, techniques or ideas relating to tapestry weaving. The group is open to anyone with an interest in tapestry weaving. All skill levels are welcome. Members are encouraged to bring along whatever current project they are working on for show and tell.Created:
21 Members,
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tappin / TAPPIN family history discussion groupFor anyone interested in or connected to the surname of TAPPIN, this group aims to make it easy to share information and resources about the name. This group originated as the TAPPIN Yahoo! Group. Due to the impending reduced functionality of Yahoo! Groups, the group was transitioned to Groups.io on 11 nov 2019.Created:
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tappingTapping fans willing to experiment with QOL improvementCreated:
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tara-n2ty / Troy Amateur Radio Assoc. - N2TYThis site is dedicated to Amateur Radio and the Troy Amateur Radio Association - N2TY of Troy, New York. If you'd like to find out more about our organization or Amateur Radio in general, we'd love to hear from you. TARA is dedicated to providing new HAMS with a place to meet other HAMS as they get started in amateur radio. Most meetings start out with the typical business meeting followe...Created:
117 Members,
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Taranaki-BlindCitizensNZ / Taranaki Network | Blind Citizens NZBlind Citizens Taranaki Network is a way for blind, deafblind, low vision and vision-impaired people to come together, share information and provide peer supportCreated:
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TARANET / TARA MEMBER EMAILThis is the members-only archive for the Torrance Amateur Radio Association (TARA). TARA is a non-profit group of volunteer amateur radio operators that serve the city of Torrance CA for public events and emergencies. IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS CHECKING INTO ANY OF OUR NETS, PLEASE BRING YOUR RADIO TO A WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEETING AND WE WILL HELP YOU FIX IT.Created:
29 Members,
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tararoadassocThis group is for the Tara Road association neighborhood.Created:
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tarc / Truro Amateur Radio ClubTruro Amateur Radio Club - serving amateur radio operators in Central Nova Scotia since 1947Created:
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TARC-NWKS / Trojan Amateur Radio Club of NW KansasTrojan Amateur Radio Club, NW KansasCreated:
21 Members,
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TARC-VeniceFL / Tamiami Amateur Radio ClubTamiami Amateur Radio Club (TARC)Venice, Florida The Tamiami Amateur Radio club was organized in 1960 to serve the Venice and surrounding area with emergency communications. The founders of our club realized that it is of paramount importance to organize the amateur radio operators in the area, to promote training and provide community service. We have had a proud history. A large number of our me...Created:
148 Members,
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