PAMCKEAN / McKean County, Pennsylvania Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PAMCKEAN. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of McKean County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of northeastern and central Pennsylvania.Created:
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PAMERCER / Mercer County, Pennsylvania Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PAMERCER. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Mercer County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of northwestern Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio.Created:
44 Members,
12 Topics,
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PAMGThis is an attempt to continue reporting airport movements from Yahoo to Groups.ioCreated:
2 Members,
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PAMICROWAVESGroep om de activiteit te stimuleren van microgolf amateurs in Nederland. Het PAMICROWAVES forum is jarenlang het trefpunt geweest van de Nederlandse microgolf amateur. Het forum concept lijkt achterhaald en is wellicht beter in te vullen door de manier hoe groups werkt. Een bericht wordt voor zover door deelnemer gewenst doorgestuurd in plaats van dat het staat te wachten op iemand die op het f...Created:
9 Members,
3 Topics,
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PAMONTGO / Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PAMONTGO. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of southeastern Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area. The county was created on September 10, 1784, out of land originally part of Philadelphia County.Created:
54 Members,
16 Topics,
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panafhi / Pan-Africa Health Initiative (Pan-AFHI)Bringing Africans together to talk the way forward for quality healthcare in African communities. Pan-Africa Health Initiative Pan-AFHI was founded in 2017 and fully registered in February 2018 with continental headquarters in Cameroon. It has a membership of 500 youths drawn from several African countries. Today Pan-AFHI is fully registered in three African countries being Cameroon, Nigeria an...Created:
150 Members,
10 Topics,
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PANAIN / PANAINPANdemic Analysis and Information Net. Informal and unofficial group of individuals interested in sharing analysis and factual information regarding the COVID-19 and other pandemics. No unsupported speculations presented as fact.Created:
119 Members,
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panamaPlataforma de participación comunitaria!Created:
1 Member,
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PanamaLawsForExpats / Panama Laws For ExpatsThis group is dedicated to discussing laws and legal issues of interest to expats living in Panama or those thinking about it. Anything relating to Panamanian law & governance is an appropriate topic for posts and files. Also appropriate are discussions of US or other foreign laws (like tax laws) that might impact you if you move to Panama. This is not the place for general discussions about t...Created:
178 Members,
163 Topics,
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PanavistaThe Panavista Park Homeowners Association is dedicated to promoting unity among the neighbors of our small community here in North West Portland Oregon. Membership is limited to the property owners of PPHA that wish to be kept informed about events, issues and developments in the neighborhood and surrounding area. Discussion is encouraged and not moderated. Commercial advertising, other than recom...Created:
97 Members,
529 Topics,
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panbems / Pa NBEMS NetPa NBEMS net for Pennsylvania and surrounding states. This net meets every Sunday morning at 0730 Eastern on 3583.0 kHz (VFO, USB) at 1500 Hz audio. The net uses THOR 22 for check-ins, and MFSK32 or THOR56 for traffic. This net activates during emergencies and works with PEMA. We often take Severe Weather Reports (FLDIGI Custom folder) and ICS 213 traffic to pass on to PEMA. We welcome all sor...Created:
231 Members,
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Pand10Pand 10 is een open huis voor burger- en buurtinitiatieven in het voormalige stationsbuffet van Tienen. Dit is een groep ter ondersteuning van de vrijwilligerswerking bij Pand 10.Created:
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PANDA / PANDA: Protocol And Network Datapath AccelerationThis is the PANDA Project, an industry initiative to build the next generation, ubiquitous, open source I/O and networking dataplane that is arbitrarily flexible with very high performance. The mantra of PANDA is “write once, run anywhere, run well” which means that it is fully programmable datapath, runs in various software and hardware environments, and for any given environment runs with th...Created:
8 Members,
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pandalady4303Information on 1st Cousin Reunion or other Dagley informationCreated:
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PandIDgroupThe Presentation and Interpretive Display group is created to expand the educational exhibits and support the display of historic artifacts at the Illinois Railway Museum. This is a private group open only to selected volunteers for the purpose of exchanging ideas, images, and data to be used in the production of new and updated exhibits.Created:
2 Members,
2 Topics,
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Pandora-MailA volunteer group dedicated toUsers discussing the Pandora Mail Client for Windows by Brana Bujenovic and sharing their experiences and expertise for the benefit of the members. The official support channel for Pandora Support is direct feedback to the author via email from the Pandora menu item Help | Send Feedback.Created:
35 Members,
57 Topics,
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2 Members,
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pandulceenthusiastsA group for those interested in learning more about the history and evolution of Mexican bread in the U.S. In this group we will exchange recipes and techniques for the professional and home baker alike.Created:
1 Member,
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panelaJeitinho de BBS...Created:
11 Members,
397 Topics,
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panelshowcc / Panel Show Comics CollectiveA Comics Collective for West YorkshireCreated:
1 Member,
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