ocyanAnnouncements regarding the Ocyan Cloud Platform.Created:
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OD-GeneralIssuesThe mailing list of one of the 4 groups that will try to build up an Open Dialogue international network. Coordinators: Martin Glozman (Argentina) Lupo Macolino (Italy)Created:
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OD-GenIssuesThe mailing list is for Group 4 "General Issues". This is part of an effort to build up a network for the Open Dialogue community, started by Jaakko and others in 2024, before the London Conference. Owners are Martin Glozman from Argentina and Lupo Macolino from Italy, others may be added. To prevent spam membership and the first message must be approved. We have also a small shared space...Created:
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ODARC-ODUThe mission of the Old Dominion Amateur Radio Club (ODARC) is to vigorously promote, support, and lead amateur radio service activities in a manner that honors and exemplifies the university’s core values. ODARC is a general interest university-based amateur radio clubCreated:
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ODCThis group is for the residents of the 19 homes on Old Decatur Circle in Decatur Georgia.Created:
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ODCBoard / Oriental Dinghy Club Board Members Email ListBoard Members for Oriental Dinghy Club, past (if they wish) and PresentCreated:
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ODCRaceRace Organization for Oriental Dinghy clubCreated:
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ODCShoreGroup to organize Oriental Dinghy Club Shore side EventsCreated:
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oddA forum for due diligence professionals, technical advisors, consultants and those interested and willing to share advice and opinions in governance, operational excellence and risk mitigation.Created:
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OddballHFSSBRadio / Oddball HF SSB Radio EquipmentThe above pictured radio is a Stephens Engineering SEA 222 HF/SSB Marine transceiver. It is mounted in a naval 20mm ammo can. This set is a permanent fixture on my picnic table where it is used to scan the below listed frequencies. This group is dedicated to the collection, restoration, historical documentation, and use, of oddball HF/SSB radio equipment. These types include military, paramilit...Created:
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odddecos / Odd DecosWelcome to Odd-Decos What is an odd-deco? An odd deco is any themed deco that you do not see very often. An odd deco is not a fan deco, meaning a specific movie, actor, band, tv series, animated character, etc. Odd Decos can be different for different people, depending on their circle of swappers - as their exposure to different themes can vary. Most of all, odd decos are a way to share fu...Created:
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odderaikidoGruppe for Odder AikidoCreated:
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OddsAndSods / Odds And SodsThis is a replacement for my Yahoo group of the same name. It's a place for all the bits and pieces of odd and interesting stuff that I run across in the weirder corners of the internet.Created:
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oddz-n-endzAnything and everything! Crafts, chat, recipes, etc.Created:
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ODeaFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – O'DeaCreated:
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ODEEOEnduranceMembers of the Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization, Inc.Created:
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ODF-Templates / ODF TemplatesThis list was created specifically as a support list for templates created by Toki Kantoor and distributed in an ODF file format. As of 20 April 2018, that list includes the following templates: ModelRailroading: Inglenook.1.9.ots; Inglenook_Timesaver.only.ots; scale_modellers_calculator.v.1.1.ots Handwriting Analysis: hawu.ots; Holistic_graphology.0.7.ots; Holistic_graphology.0.8.4.ot...Created:
15 Members,
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ODG / Old Dude GamersGroup to organize home game campaigns for pathfinder, D&D, Torg, etc...Created:
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odhk-testTesting groups.ioCreated:
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odk-announceAnnouncements for the ontology development kit https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-development-kit/Created:
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