NARFE1795 / NARFE1795National Active & Retired Federal Employees, Chevy Chase, DC Chapter.Created:
28 Members,
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narg / North American Rail GenA group created for those interested in locomotive-hauled passenger train operations in North America (USA & Canada). Members are encouraged to post trip reports & observations, diagrams, news, hotel details and anything else that they feel may be of interest to other members.Created:
112 Members,
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narhams / NARHAMS Model Rocket ClubThis list is for discussions of model rocketry, mainly by members of the NARHAMS model rocket club, located in Washington DC and Maryland.Created:
216 Members,
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NARIMNNARI-MN members-only group messaging.Created:
1 Member,
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narisactoNARI of Greater Sacramento listserv for members to exchange ideas and stay connected.Created:
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NARPMStatePresidentsWelcome to the 2019 NARPM State Presidents' list serve! This group was started at the request of those presidents attending the recent Leadership Conference so that you could exchange ideas, references, etc. between yourselves as you work toward building your state NARPM chapters. If you have any questions, please let me know! Lisa Noon, CAE, RCE NARPM Deputy Executive Director lnoon@narpm.or...Created:
7 Members,
4 Topics,
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NarrativeThis is a group for the Write Your Story / Personal Narrative Workshop. Cynthia Yoder, instructor. www.cynthiayoder.comCreated:
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NarrowGaugeBuildersPeople dedicated to building, running, or just like Narrow gauge live steam trains for 4 3/4 - 7 1/4 - 7 1/2 inch gauges. On this site we will go thru a construction series on NG engines, start to finish. Easy to build. Please keep all posts to 2 1/2 and larger scale. Suppliers, OK to post items for our scale and project. << There are construction drawings and articles in the files and phot...Created:
462 Members,
8 Topics,
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NarrowGaugeGazetteFor readers and fans of the Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette magazine. This groups exists to discuss the current (and past) issues and to share Gazette-worthy modelingCreated:
214 Members,
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narrowgaugeNNarrow Gauge n scale scale 1:160 track gauge 6.5 mm representing 3.0 ft 3 ft 6 in and Meter gauges all operating on 6.5 mm track (a.k.a Z gauge track )Created:
3 Members,
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NarrowGaugeNowChat room for the organisers of Narrow gauge Now, A model railway exhibition held near Mansfield UKCreated:
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narrowgaugeontarioA group focused on narrow gauge railway history and building models of them, especially but not exclusively those in Canada. The only annual narrow gauge train show in Canada is held by members of this group usually in April of each year. We also have a website - - and a Facebook page at
10 Members,
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2 Members,
1 Topic,
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NARSHOWCOMNAR Show Committee GroupCreated:
1 Member,
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NAS-CRR-SupportGroup / NAS - Cheyenne River Reservation Support GroupWelcome! This is the new Native American Support Group that was originally formed by Jannette and her friend, Marilyn Stevens in 2006, to help the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation and its community.Created:
21 Members,
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Nascom-Computers / Nascom Computers User GroupThis group is dedicated to the Nascom 1, 2 and 3 computers originating in 1977 to 1980s (includes Lucas and Gemini). We shall also be very interested to hear about machines and associated hardware and software developed directly from them. Members will have an interest in the origins of these computers, the hardware, operating systems, application programs and development using modern peripherals...Created:
121 Members,
608 Topics,
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NaseNebo / Naše nebo - udruga za zaštitu noćnog nebaMailing lista udruge za zaštitu noćnog neba "Naše nebo".Created:
36 Members,
92 Topics,
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NASGAmembers / NASGA Members Discussion GroupThe National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse, "NASGA", member discussion group is a private discussion group for NASGA members only. Visit our main website: Read the NASGA Blog: http://NASGA-StopGuardianAbuse.blogspot.comCreated:
20 Members,
19 Topics,
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NashBash / Nash BashThis group is for residents of the "South of Seminary" neighborhood of Menlo Park, CA, roughly bounded by Willow Road, Middlefield, Santa Monica and Santa Margarita. The group is for sharing information about things in our neighborhood, including our annual block party, Nash Bash.Created:
45 Members,
4 Topics,
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NashBridges / Nash Bridges GroupAll about the 90’s TV show Nash Bridges and its 2020 revival.Created:
2 Members,
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