LandNEKDivisionOperators / Gary Siegel's L&N, Eastern Kentucky Division HO scale railroadThis group concerns Gary Siegel's L&N, Eastern Kentucky (EK) Division, HO-scale model railroad, and discusses the progress, schedule, activities and operations of that railroad. We invite those interested to offer their appreciation, help, ideas, opinions and suggestions. We also invite discussions about the prototype L&N railroad although that is not this site's main focus. At Gar...Created:
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landscapecommitteeThis is the group for the ZSAP Landscape Committee. We encourage you to contact any of us here.Created:
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landscapedesignersgroupLDG is a nonprofit corporation founded to provide a forum for the exchange of information and the enhancement of knowledge relevant to our profession. We meet through regular meetings and garden visits. Members are professional landscape designers, students in formal preparation courses, other practitioners in the green industry, and those interested in garden design and horticulture. Most members...Created:
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LandscapeHorticultureA forum to catch up, share ideas, and query like minds in landscape horticultureCreated:
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landshark / Landshark - Dedicated to the Australian-based Porsche 928Landshark continues to be an Australian-based forum dedicated to the Porsche 928 and all its variants. We exchange information on technical matters, parts sourcing, cars for sale and, when things get slow, argue about whether autos or manuals are better! Visit the 928 Australia web site at, New members are welcome; we vet new membership applications only to keep spammers...Created:
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landsharksLand Sharks is a South Bay men-supporting-men's group in the South Bay of CaliforniaCreated:
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landskatersLandskaters Inline Skate Club of Philadelphia.Created:
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Lane-County-OR-ScanningLane County Oregon scanner frequencies and information. ** under construction **Created:
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LaneCHDCHD Lane County meeting groupCreated:
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LaneGenealogyThis group is for those of us who are researching the LANE Surname, at any time, and in any place. We hope to help each other with our family trees and we hope to find our brickwalls. Please join us!Created:
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LaneWoodsThis is a neighborhood groupCreated:
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LaneyESOLfaculty / Laney ESOL FacultyFor current and past ESOL faculty at Laney College.Created:
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langagiersTranslators generally into Canadian French from Canadian EnglishCreated:
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Langit-2Figlia di Langit, dove i traduttori possono scambiare messaggi che non riguardano solo argomenti inerenti alla traduzioneCreated:
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LangleyGroup for Langley based genealogy and DNA genealogy, correlates with the Family Tree DNA Langley Surname project (
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langleynaturesightings / LFN Langley Nature SightingsThis is a place for the members of Langley Field Naturalists to report, share and inquire about their nature sightings from in and around Langley, BC. By sharing sightings, and for others sharing their knowledge, the membership can learn about the many species in nature around them. Observed birds, mammals, amphibians, fish, insects and plants are just some of nature's wonders to post here.Created:
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langranchchorusLang Ranch Chorus Winter 2018 directed by Laura LeiningerCreated:
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languageEtymology.......Dutch words.English words etc which have a root connection with HebrewCreated:
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Language-Business-and-AIWelcome to the "Language Businesses Leveraged by AI" group! This is a dynamic community for translators, interpreters, proofreaders, and other language experts who are passionate about integrating AI technology into their workflows. Join us to: Share Insights: Discuss the latest AI tools and how they can enhance your language services. Learn and Grow: Access resources, tutorials, and best...Created:
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language-in-forensic-evidence / Language in Forensic Evidence mailing listMailing list associated with the Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence.Created:
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