KariesExpressions / Karie's ExpressionsA place to collect tags made by me, only PG rated.Created:
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KariokeThis is a group dedicated to anime lovers and communityCreated:
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KarlKarenPrayerLetter / Karl and Karen Pioneering Ministry Prayer LetterA prayer letter from Karen & Karl, as they embark on their pioneering ministry, featuring: Ministry updates Prayer needs and requests Encouragement and feedbackCreated:
59 Members,
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Karma-FSACPrivate Study Group with Qi Men Dun Jia as a base to see how we can improve our life.Created:
10 Members,
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KarmalizedDiamondAlwaysListA group where you can come and pick up your tags from my Always List from CDO Diamonds Group!Created:
3 Members,
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KarmicVerificationGroup for corporate purposeCreated:
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karoecho-cert-trainingThe Kensington and El Cerrito Ham Radio club KARO ECHO will be conducting training classes for the community in how to use FRS and GMRS radios in a disaster. This group will be used for announcing classes and for questions and discussions.Created:
21 Members,
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karolkllamCCML bata testCreated:
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karpaty / KarpatyA list for anyone interested in the Carpathians. Temat: Karpaty, tema: Karpaty, subject: the Carpathians, tema: Carpatii, thema: Montes Carpathi. Po polsku + slovencina + English + limba romana + lingua latina.Created:
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karpmankaufmanfrumanschectman / KARPMAN & CONNECTING FAMILIES OF SE BELARUSThis private discussion forum was created to bring together researchers of these surnames and find linkages between ancestral families. Both Karpman and Fruman surnames are in my family tree, In addition, my research has identified at least a dozen Karpman families—many without known linkages—and a smaller selection of Fruman and Friman families My OBJECTIVE: to gather together descendants o...Created:
11 Members,
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kars / Kitsap Auxiliary Radio ServiceKitsap Auxiliary Radio ServiceCreated:
127 Members,
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KARSNEWS / KARSNEWSThis Group is an Interactive Newsletter for the Kendall Amateur Radio Society and is a supplement to our regular newsletter and web page. We welcome you to the Kendall Amateur Radio Society (KARS). We were formed as a club in October 1980. Our club offers a variety of ham radio activities and fellowship for amateur radio operators in Boerne, Texas and the surrounding hill country area. Our meet...Created:
72 Members,
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KARSRadio / Kootenai Amateur Radio SocietyKootenai Amateur Society Ham Radio Club - Coeur d’alene, IdahoCreated:
19 Members,
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Karunya-milleniumThe millennial batch 2000-2004Created:
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karya-etnografiKarya Etnografi adalah group diskusi mempersiapkan buku "Etnografi Argumentatif". (ethnography as argument). Dibuat untuk memudahkan dan merapikan arsip pembicaraan serta diskusi kita semua yang bergabung di dalamnya. Peraturan umum: 1. Usahakan untuk membaca posting-posting terdahulu sebelum membuat balasan. 2. Silakan digunakan sesering-seringnya untuk berdiskusi akademik terkait per...Created:
18 Members,
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KAS / Krushna Ashtakavarga SystemStudy of Krushna Ashtakavarga System as taught by Guru ji - Krushnaji The purpose of this Group is to provide a platform for Patrons of Ash & KAS Students and Enthusiasts to discuss charts and concepts and further their specialized knowledge of Vedic Astrology's powerful system of KAS. Charts with events are welcome for discussion. This is a specialized list focussed only on Vedic Astrol...Created:
154 Members,
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KAS-Krushna-Ashtakavarga / KAS - Ashtakavarga suivant le système de KrushnaKAS Ashtakavarga suivant le ssytème de Krushna Groupe francophone dédié au système d'astrologie indienne promu par Jugalkishore Kalani (Krushna), le KAS ou système d'ashtakavarga dit de Krushna. Les membres sont invités à se procurer le premier Reader de Krushna, KAS Dimension. Un mémo gratuit est aussi disponible. Théorie et pratique. -- François Carrière AdministrateurCreated:
7 Members,
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kasergames / Everett Kaser Software Puzzle GamesThis is a discussion list for Everett Kaser Software logic and puzzle games. The games include the Sherlock series, tile games like Solitile and Lunatile, the Knarly series like Knarly Works, Knarly Mazes and Knarly Hexes, Latin Squares, Greek Squares, Descartes Enigma, Descartes Rainbow, MESH:Hero, and many more.Created:
223 Members,
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kaserlang / Kaser LanguagesIntended for the discussion of spoken/written language (grammar, etc.) in general, and my own invented language (and 'alphabet') in particular. NOTE: Everything I post publicly on this group is "Copyrighted by Everett Kaser. All rights reserved." This means you may not copy/steal/etc. the work I reveal here without my express written permission. I doubt anyone would want to, but th...Created:
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KaseyaThe way to sustainable, profitable growth is through a Managed Services business model. But, now that the Cloud is real, who do you turn to when you want to move into this hybrid model and have no experience? We are a global group of MSPs, CSPs, VARs (partners, consultants, etc.) who have moved or are moving into a hybrid Managed & Cloud Services model. We share our experiences with each other...Created:
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