gaithersburgrecycle / Gaithersburg RecycleGaithersburg Recycle is a group for the residents of Gaithersburg, MD to offer items they no longer need or use to others who may need or find a use for them. If you live or work in Gaithersburg, MD please feel free to join. Our purpose is to keep as many useful items out of the landfills as possible. All new members will be on moderation to try to prevent spammers in this group. Once you post a m...Created:
157 Members,
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GaithersburgWriters / Gaithersburg Creative Writers GroupCreative writers from Gaithersburg and other areas. Write, read, critique or just listen.Created:
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GaithRockParentsThis is an "invitation only" group for parents located primarily in the Rockville, lower Gaithersburg, North Potomac and Darnestown areas. Parents from adjacent areas are welcome, but the group does have a focus on the areas surrounding North Potomac. ** As the list moderator, I am committed to keeping this list safe for its members. WHEN YOU REQUEST TO JOIN, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHO REFERRE...Created:
57 Members,
359 Topics,
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GAJacksonGenealogy in Jackson County GeorgiaCreated:
27 Members,
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GAJeffdavisGenealogy in Jeff Davis County GeorgiaCreated:
3 Members,
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galacticSupport hub for Galactic, an MSDOS-based star-mapping program for the Traveller RPG, which can be downloaded from
12 Members,
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Galapagosbirdpapers / Galapagos bird papersThis group is for the distribution of published papers and reports on birds in the Galapagos Islands.Created:
62 Members,
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GalatasarayGalatasaray futbol kulübüCreated:
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galatasaray108Galatasaray Lisesi 108.DönemCreated:
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Galatians610 / Galatians 6:10Galatians 6:10 (ESV) "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Our mission: We are Christians helping each other in Hollywood, intentionally networking to better proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, in pursuit of fulfilling the great commission voiced in Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV): "Therefore go and make discip...Created:
30 Members,
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galaxyjournalclubFor the weekly journal club discussion.Created:
48 Members,
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Galicia-Poland-Ukraine / Galicia [Poland-Ukraine] GenealogyThe GALICIA Genealogy Discussion Group: A mailing list dedicated to those interested in discussing genealogical and historical research in Galicia and all of its ethnic groups. Galicia (Galizien) is the former Austrian Empire province which is now located in southeastern Poland and southwestern Ukraine. This group provides information for finding your Galician ancestors. The ethnic groups of Galic...Created:
50 Members,
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Galilei-1ASAGruppo genitori classe 1ASA liceo scientifico Galilei TrentoCreated:
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GALINAGroup to discuss, share, ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who had a life event in Georgia, North Carolina or South Carolina. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list GALINA.Created:
2 Members,
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GALincolnGenealogy in Lincoln County GeorgiaCreated:
13 Members,
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galizaisrael / Galiza-IsraelGaliza-Israel Un espazo de solidariedade e amizade con Israel desde Galiza. Enderezo inicial internético da lista: Caixa de correo á que enviar unha mensaxe baldeira para darse de alta na lista: galizaisrael@groups.ioCreated:
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GallFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – GallCreated:
5 Members,
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Gallacher / GallacherFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the GALLACHER surname.Created:
6 Members,
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Gallaher-Young-Walkers / Gallaher Young Walkers GroupThis is a walking group for all the Gallaher Ltd. retirees. It was originally created on Yahoo on 26th July 2004. A group intended for people who enjoy walking, pub lunches & who worked or work for Gallaher.Created:
13 Members,
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GallawayFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – GallawayCreated:
7 Members,
5 Topics,
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