To enjoy the old TV series the Waltons
2 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group to discuss all shows (past, present and future) on the Fox networka
3 Members, 2,493 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fantastictelevision / Fantastic Television
13 Members, 230 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
The magic of creativity, inspiration and flight of imagination
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The magic of creativity, inspiration and flight of imagination
6 Members, 3,867 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fantasy-uk-buses / Fantasy-UK-Buses
Welcome to Fantasy-UK-Buses Providing fantasy bus operations since 2003 Fantasy-UK-Buses is an online fantasy bus management game where you can run things your way. Do you have a general interest in buses and how bus companies operate? Do you like creating your own routes, timetables or even paper bus models? Have you ever thought you could do better than your local operator? If the answer to any ...
16 Members, 258 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fantasybookclub / Fantasy Book Club
The Fantasy Group Discussion is an online book discussion which takes place each month on the third Sunday. We choose a book to read during the preceding meeting and it is the topic of discussion for the current meeting. We discuss all types of Fantasy books, ranging from classic Sword-And-Sorcery and fairy tales, to modern Urban Fantasy. All are welcome. Most titles are available on both Booksha...
18 Members, 2,571 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A small group format for fantasy writers to critique each others work. Submission are due once a week on Saturday by midnight. Critiques are due within a week of being chosen. Remember that these are critiques, that also means opinions. Critiques are not up for debate or back lash. You can choose to use the advice of your critiques or not. More than anything we are here to build one another up. An...
1 Member, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Fantasy Favorites has been a long running group of friends and we hope to add a few more! We are focusing on mainly fantasy reading, but if you'd like a change up, we'll have a month every so often for that, too! The main thing is that we are reading together and sharing a love of books. The original FantasyFavorites was created on March 5, 2001.
14 Members, 26 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FantasyLadiesWrestling / Fantasy Ladies Wrestling
Fantasy Ladies Wrestling is a group for individuals that have fantasized about the ladies in their lives competing in wrestling matches. Those whose ladies have actually wrestled or ladies that have wrestled (real or fantasy) are welcome as well. It is my hope to create a place for those that share an interest in ladies wrestling to communicate and exchange with one another. I want to keep this g...
8 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Fantasy & Magie Welcome to the group. Enjoy and have fun! Anything from Fantasy to Magic and Gothic Participating is mandatory. Sharing and saying thanks are welcomed. If there are any troubles let us moderators and owners know please (instead of reporting to Google!). Thank You!
0 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fantasyrailgame / UK Fantasy Rail Game
Group for an UK fantasy rail game. Create and run your own railway company.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
fantasyscout / Fantasy Scout
Fantasy Scout is a simple free game where you win picking good football (soccer) players before they become famous.
14 Members, 307 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Welcome to Fantasy Transportation Fantasy Transportation is an online Transport Management game where you own your buses- so if you like to create, for routes and timetables, create bus liveries and brands or have an interest in public transport then why not join us today? Once you have joined, you can begin running your very own fantasy transport company, buying and selling virtual buses and coa...
25 Members, 8,055 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Post your fantasy signons and signoffs
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Welcome! You just reach the shores of Vortimax! This group is devoted to the out-of-print tabletop game Fantasy Warlord (FW) by Ian Bailey and Gary Chalk. This is also the right place if you are looking for Red Giant magazine issues or Fantasy Warlord miniatures range (cast by Alternative Armies and some sculpted by Bob Olley). You can help this project! Share you own rules or ideas to improve and...
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FANticipator / FANticipator - Elecraft KPA1500 Console and Fan Controller
Discussion group for owners of Elecraft KPA1500 amplifiers who use the FANticipator console and fan control software by K8UT (SK2024). Download the software here. ***Please include your name and call sign at registration and to your posts. Feel free to invite others to join the group. 73. Jonathan, KK7PW (BTW, I am also group host/admin for the KPA1500 Aficionados --
54 Members, 58 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fantomes / Les Amis Fantômes - French Canadian tunes online
Les Amis Fantômes is a group of far-flung friends who gather online to share their love of traditional French Canadian tunes. The name of this group refers to both the ghost notes common in these tunes and the ethereal nature of the Internet. As the COVID19-era Zoom tune sessions began to return to local in-person sessions, many of the folks who have enjoyed meeting others with similar interests ...
98 Members, 92 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
fantomes2 / Les Amis Fantômes (overflow) - French Canadian tunes online
Les Amis Fantômes is a group of far-flung friends who gather online to share their love of traditional French Canadian tunes. The name of this group refers to both the ghost notes common in these tunes and the ethereal nature of the Internet. As the COVID19-era Zoom tune sessions began to return to local in-person sessions, many of the folks who have enjoyed meeting others with similar interests ...
22 Members, 73 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
FAPG / Friedreich's Ataxia and other Ataxias Parents Group
An international Emailing support system and forum for parents of children with ataxia.
906 Members, 20,805 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: