dasandata-cluster-lab / HPC Cluster Lab @ dasandata.co.,Ltd.Hello world. We hope to make a small contribution to the development of HPC Cluster in Korea and around the world.Created:
2 Members,
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dasap / Documents and Slides Accessibility ProjectThis is the ATHEN Documents and Slides Accessibility working group project.Created:
15 Members,
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DASCommittee / Darley Abbey Society CommitteeEmail group to support the committee of the Darley Abbey Society, Derby, UKCreated:
9 Members,
401 Topics,
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dasd2001Group for the DASD Class of 2001 to remain in touch.Created:
15 Members,
101 Topics,
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dasfa / Denver Area Science Fiction AssociationThe group mailing list for the Denver Area Science Fiction Association, hosted in friendly Colorado!Created:
16 Members,
14 Topics,
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DASH / DASH: DC-MD Activities for Secular HomeschoolersCreated:
1 Member,
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DASHofMissouriRuns trials and rents equipmentCreated:
12 Members,
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DASMembers / Darley Abbey Society - Members groupDarley Abbey Society, Derby. This group is used to send information to members of the Society. If you are a member of DAS then please subscribe to receive the latest news.Created:
90 Members,
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dasparentsparent group to coordinate on group projects and group efforts a virtual extension of the parent community at the schoolCreated:
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dastronomy / Doncaster Astronomical SocietyThis is the communication point for members of the Doncaster Astronomical Society to exchange information and photographs You can see more about us at our web site www.donastro.org.uk. This group is private and only accessible to members. If you would like to join the Society, please contact secretary@donastro.org.uk and he will send you details of our meetings and how you can join.Created:
30 Members,
928 Topics,
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data2healthtesting out groups.ioCreated:
1 Member,
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DataioEPROM / DATA I/O Universal Programmers GroupWelcome to the DATA I/O Universal Programmers Group. This group is dedicated to device programmers - instruments for programming nonvolatile memories (PROMs, EPROMs, EEPROMS, FLASH, etc.), Programmable Logic Devices aka PLDs (PALs, GALs, EPLDs, CPLDs, FPGAs, etc.), and other devices such as MCUs containing EPROM, FLASH, and EEPROM. We host a discussion group and extensive file archive for the us...Created:
580 Members,
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DataLiteracyBrazilData Literacy in BrazilCreated:
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DataManagement / Data Management Discussion GroupThe Data Management community. Data architecture, data modeling, data evangelism. Our community has been chatting about these topics, and more, for over 2 decades. We haven't solved all the world's data problems, but we've made progress. Welcome to the Data Management Discussion Group! This is a moderated discussion list for anyone interested in Data Management issues. Karen Lope...Created:
50 Members,
594 Topics,
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datanucleus / DataNucleusUser group for discussion of DataNucleus JDO/JPA persistence softwareCreated:
75 Members,
147 Topics,
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datapol / DatapolDatapol allows their subscribers to share information and reference data concerning politics worldwide: leadership, elections, news, sources on the net and current developments or historical facts on a country basis.Created:
16 Members,
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datarail / DatarailGeneral information and updates on the Datarail.co.uk system. Aimed at railway enthusiasts and photographers, membership is open to everyone, but this is not a discussion list. Only moderators can post to the list - any replies come back direct to Datarail. Low volume of messages - usually three to four a month maximum.Created:
1 Member,
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datascienceFocusing on Data Science workflows using Cloud Native platforms and technologies.Created:
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datascienceinbiologyA place to discuss data science in biologyCreated:
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datasciencesection / The Data Science Section of the Royal Statistical SocietyThis is the mailing list for the Data Science Section of the Royal Statistical Society. We represent Data Scientists in the UK. If you are a Data Scientist please join us and have your voice heard! Join this list to be kept updated about the "Industrial Strength Data Science" events that we host at the RSS HQ. We will also keep you informed about public debates, papers, and news that we wa...Created:
486 Members,
48 Topics,
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