BanningFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BanningCreated:
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BannisterFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - BannisterCreated:
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banquetFor APIQWTC banquet committee members!Created:
25 Members,
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banshee-sailboat / Banshee SailboatsThis group is for and about the Banshee Sailing Dinghy including sharing questions, experiences, photos, rigging variations, repairs, materials and all details pertaining to sailing and maintaining the Banshee boat and building Community. There are links and database, and photos, and posts to browse through. Have fun!Created:
163 Members,
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banthamAll things BanthamCreated:
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banyayPróba lista. Ez most csak kísérlet.Created:
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banyaygezaA mostani képviseleti demokráciákban a felelősség és a döntések következményeivel történő együttélés egyre távolabb kerül a döntéshozatal szintjeitől: akik döntést hoznak egyáltalán nem „elszenvedői” a döntéseknek.Created:
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BAOC / Bay Area Orienteering ClubWelcome to the Bay Area Orienteering Club discussion group! The Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) runs events for map and compass navigation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Events are open to everyone — club membership is not required. Our event schedule and results, new-member information, and club information can be found on our website. We are also on Facebook and Instagram. (Please note...Created:
204 Members,
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baoc-travelA group for discussion of travel for orienteering. Planning for lodging, car rental, transit, etc. Open to BAOC members and friends.Created:
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BAOCevents / Bay Area Orienteering Club Schedule AnnouncementsThe Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) presents events for map and compass navigation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Events are open to everyone — club membership is not required. This group is used once a month to distribute information about upcoming events. Anyone can join this group (but joining does not make you a member of BAOC). More information about BAOC and its events, and about ori...Created:
188 Members,
41 Topics,
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Baofeng / BaofengThis is a discussion group about Baofeng radios, how to program them, etc.Created:
432 Members,
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BaofengRadios / Baofeng RadiosDiscussion on any Baufang RadiosCreated:
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BaofengUV5Rdiscussion of the popular amateur hand help radio, and operation. also ok for similar variants that are close cousins to the uv5r.Created:
8 Members,
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BaofengUV9GUsing Chirp 20220118 the offsets I enter for my repeaters do not program, changes back to OFF. Used Query Data Source and entered manually based off RepeaterBook. ThanksCreated:
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BAP / British Association of PlanetariaGroup mailing list for the British Association of Planetaria.Created:
108 Members,
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bapi / build-a-pi mark II supportbAPi mark II, is the progression of years of the Build-a-Pi project, this is the developer support channel. Do you enjoy keeping on the bleeding edge of ham radio software? we do as well! bAPi, allows you to choose the applications you want to install and skip the ones you don’t need. This keeps your system as lean and mean as possible, and updated to the latest enhancement's w...Created:
2 Members,
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BAPMEmail list specifically for participants involved in organizing the Bay Area Prototype Modelers (BAPM) meets taking place in the San Francisco Bay Area.Created:
10 Members,
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bapwa1 / Bay Area Personal Watercraft AssociationBay Area Personal Watercraft Association BAPWA was established in 1991. Our prime factor is to promote safe boating, as we have a great time with other personal watercraft enthusiasts. We are affiliated with AWA, the American Watercraft Association.This is a Members Only site.Created:
32 Members,
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bar-chat / Bel Air Ridge HOA Chat GroupThis is a chat/email group for the Bel Air Ridge HOA residents in Los Angeles, California. Rules: No spam! This means no promotion of your personal/family business. We do allow kid/neighborhood related posts (ex: "my kids are having a lemonade stand". or "my son/daughter is available to babysit"). We also allow and encourage references for vendors you have used that might bene...Created:
254 Members,
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bar-k-ranch / Bar-K-Ranch CommunityThe Bar-K Ranch is a small and beautiful mountain community located in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. At an elevation of 8500 Ft. we are nestled in the Roosevelt National Forest lands. Our close neighbors to the east are Jamestown and Boulder and to the west lies the beautiful town of Ward. Please be helpful and respectful to one another and if you would like to sponsor this group please click the ...Created:
2 Members,
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