abigworldmadeinterestingwithPSPPLEASE watch for the Pending Application and SEND it back filled out or you won't be accepted into the group. THE MESSAGE ARCHIVES MAY BE DELETED. SO BEING ON SPECIAL NOTICE, ANY OF THE DIGESTS WILL DO YOU NO GOOD AS THE MESSAGES MAY BE GONE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. This is a NON INCREDIMAIL group for Snagging and Sharing G rated shares, no Goth, no SAC. WHAT CAN BE SHARED Comps, Extras, DOW B...Created:
130 Members,
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ABIMembers / ABI club members onlyMembers of the CFA Southwest Region Cat Club Abyssinian Breeders International.Created:
10 Members,
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abingdongreensupdates on local Green Party news/activities.Created:
6 Members,
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AbingdonMahJonggWELCOME to the Abingdon Mah Jongg Board ("the Blog"), dedicated to weekly invitations to our game or asking questions to encourage our community of American Mah Jongg players. Messages will come to you as an email. Simply post or reply to messages just as you would in any email. We strive to keep the blog focused on providing maximum benefits to our Mah Jongg group communication. Please...Created:
21 Members,
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ABkitchenAngus Barn Kitchen StaffCreated:
122 Members,
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abktvGroupe de mail des acteurs primaires et secondaires de l'équipe ABK tvCreated:
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ABLEABLE APBA BaseballCreated:
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ablestudentawareness / equitable education for students with different abilitiesequityineducationCreated:
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abletonaccessRules of the ABLETON LIVE DAW Community 1. Respect fellow members: All community members must be treated with respect and courtesy, even in disagreement. Insults, personal attacks, or any disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. 2. Accessibility is key: Our primary goal is to make the use of ABLETON LIVE accessible to everyone. Use clear language and provide detailed explanations to help user...Created:
91 Members,
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abletonlivequestionsandanswers / Ableton Live Questions and AnswersThis is a group for those learning the Ableton Live DAW of all experience levels, brand new and professional alike! This group is not official in any capacity, or endorsed by other groups.Created:
4 Members,
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ABM-NRHSFor the Arkansas Boston Mountains Chapter of the National Historical Railway Society. Discussing railroads past, present and future!Created:
24 Members,
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ABM5780ABM 5780 GroupCreated:
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ABMAIMATA2023This is a small group that is private that shares information we learned or saw at the recent ABMA/IMATA joint conference.Created:
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ABMCA group for American Belgian Malinois Club business activities - file storage, communication, working groups.Created:
8 Members,
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ABMHFArgyll and Bute Museums and Heritage Forum Private Community Board The Argyll & Bute Museums and Heritage Forum represents our membership with individuals & organisations, large and small, across the Argyll and Bute area. The forum was formed some years ago with a focus to assist a number of growing museums through their accreditation process. With this now accomplished and so many diff...Created:
2 Members,
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ABNBoard / American Board of Professional NeuropsychologyAmerican Board of Professional Neuropsychology-Board of Directors and Committee Member List serveCreated:
24 Members,
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aboMailing list for the Analy High School band and orchestra program from Sebastopol California. The list collects band members, parents and coordinators providing them with a means to communicate with one another.Created:
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ABofficeAngus Barn front office communication areaCreated:
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AboutCodeThe purpose of this group is to discuss AboutCode projects. AboutCode is a set of open source tools to manage and automate open source compliance - see https://github.com/nexB/aboutcode and https://github.com/nexB/. Documentation improvements are the key initial focus for this list.Created:
16 Members,
8 Topics,
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AboutOrientalStampArt / About Oriental Stamp ArtThis group is for the rubber stamping enthusiast who delights in creating rubber stamped art with a focus on the Asian style.. If you love stamping and the Asian style then this group is for you!Created:
48 Members,
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