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The member list on the Members page contains members’ display names, email addresses, email delivery method, and the date they joined (or were approved to join) the group. If subscription colors have been assigned to any members, the member list also contains a Color column showing those colors. In Premium and Enterprise groups, the member list might contain additional, custom columns.
Certain colored badges might appear in entries in the member list to indicate members’ email delivery status, email delivery setting, or moderation status. For a list of these badges and their descriptions, see Member badges.
To filter the member list to display only the members who are in certain categories, who have a certain status, or who are assigned a specific subscription color:
- At the top of the Members page, click or tap the Filter button.
- When the filter list appears, select the checkbox for the category or status by which you want to filter the member list. You can select more than one checkbox. You can also select a subscription color (the color squares are at the end of the filter list).
- ! Important: Scroll to the bottom of the filter list and click or tap Apply.
To clear the filter list and display the entire member list, click or tap the Members button at the top of the page.
Note: If you are a moderator, these checkboxes appear in the filter list only if you have the corresponding moderator permission:
- Pending Approval
(requires the Approve Pending Members permission) - Banned
(requires the Manage Member Subscriptions permission) - Bouncing
(requires the Manage Member Subscriptions permission)
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