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© 2025

Location in desktop browser: Left menu >  Admin > Membership > Defaults > Default Subscription Settings panel on the Default Subscription Settings page

Location on mobile device: Bottom of page > More > Admin > Membership > Defaults > Default Subscription Settings panel on the Default Subscription Settings page

The settings you select in the Default Subscription Settings panel will apply to all new members who join the group after the settings are updated. Setting changes will not affect existing group members.

Be aware that members can override these defaults individually by changing their personal subscription settings.

! Important: Setting changes take effect after you click or tap the Update Settings button at the bottom of the page.

Email Delivery

Select a setting that specifies how new members receive group posts by email:

  • Members receive each message individually as soon as it is posted to the group. (This setting is the default.)

  • Members receive a fully formatted (HTML) digest containing the day’s messages. For more information, see Message digests and summaries.

    Note: Members with this setting will receive special notices directly. Special notices are also included in digests.

  • Members receive a plain text digest containing the day’s messages. For more information, see Message digests and summaries.

    Note: Members with this setting will receive special notices directly. Special notices are also included in digests.

  • Every morning, members receive a once-daily list of topics that were posted the previous day. For more information, see Message digests and summaries.

    Note: Members with this setting will receive special notices directly. Special notices are also listed in summaries.

  • Members receive only the messages that moderators have designated as special notices.

    Note: Special notices are always sent directly, that is, members whose subscriptions are set to receive digests or summaries will also receive special notices individually.

  • With this setting, members do not receive any group messages—including special notices—by email. However, they might still receive individual notifications from the group (for example, messages sent directly to them by moderators) and system messages from


    • Members set to No Email can still access messages and other group features on the group’s website, but they do not receive group posts through email.
    • The No Email setting will not be available on this panel if you decide to disable it for the group. See Disable No Email.

Message Selection

Select a setting that specifies which messages members receive by email:

  • Members receive every message (individually or in digests, depending on the Email Delivery setting) posted to the group except those in topics that they have specifically muted or that are tagged with one or more hashtags they have specifically muted.

    This setting is the default.

  • Members receive only the messages (individually or in digests, depending on the Email Delivery setting) posted to the group in topics that they are specifically following or that are tagged with one or more hashtags they are specifically following.

  • Members receive the first message of each new topic, disregarding the fact that they have not yet followed that topic. This setting allows members to know that a given topic has been posted so they can then decide whether to follow any additional messages in that topic.
    Note: You cannot select this checkbox unless you select Following Only.

  • Select this checkbox to automatically send members all replies to topics that they start or reply to. This setting marks any topic that members start or reply to as one that they follow. This setting mimics the common web forum behavior of providing email notification for topics that members post in.

    Note: This checkbox is selected automatically when you select Following Only.

Max Attachment Size

If you want to specify a default maximum size for attachments that members receive in emails, select an option from this list. The default maximum attachment size is Unlimited.

This setting is useful for members who have a metered or limited connection or who have limited storage space for attachments. Instead of receiving an attached file, they will receive a link to it so they can open it from the group's website.


  • This setting does not prevent members from sending large attachments to the group (and using up storage space). It just prevents large attachments from being delivered to members by email.
  • If the total size of all attachments to a message exceeds the Max Attachment Size setting, links to the attachments are sent.


You can apply colors to group members’ subscriptions, for example, to indicate different subscription categories or membership types. You can assign these colors from the member list as well as on individual members’ pages.

To set a default color to be associated with all new group members’ subscriptions, click or tap in the Color box on the Default Subscription Settings panel and select the desired color from the popup list. The selected color will be applied to the subscriptions of members who join the group after this change (but not to current members) and will be displayed in a Color column in the member list.

Selecting the white box in the popup list removes a previously assigned color.

Be aware that the Color column does not appear in the member list unless at least one member has an associated subscription color.


  • Only group owners, and moderators with the appropriate permissions, will see subscription colors in the member list even if the list is viewable by all group members (see Member List Visibility).
  • In subgroups: If you do not set a default subscription color in a subgroup (that is, the Color box in the subgroup is white), new members added to the subgroup will inherit the color from their subscription in the parent (main) group, if one is set. Otherwise, they will inherit the default subscription color set in the parent group.